Monday, July 29, 2013

Nursery in Dubai

Kids Island Nursery, in Dubai works on the fundamental milestones established by Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). EYFS guides us with tools and techniques to follow for each age group  ensuring all children, regardless of age, ethnicity, or social background have equal opportunity to excel as individuals.

Children are born ready to learn and learn fast. However, they achieve different milestones at different times, based on their interest and environment during a set period. When children attend a nursery school in Dubai, they are able to interact with other children from different backgrounds. Attending a Nursery in Dubai is one of the best experiences that a child as young as two can enjoy. The mix of races and ethnicities, amazing resources of teachers from all over the world, and state of the art equipment will help your three-year old progress greatly compared to attending school anywhere else in the world.

There are standard goals that children will reach during their years at nursery. These years are called, “The Magical Years”, as they have passed the terrible twos and are now finally accepting approved behavior, understanding commands, being independent and their minds begin creative and imaginative thinking. This period with be both amusing and enlightening to parents as well.

A 3-to-4-year old is prepared to grow and develop in many aspects throughout the year and keeping track of their achievements can be a difficult task. Each child will develop varying skills and talents however, there are certain general advancements that all children are likely to make at pre-school level.

Speech and Language Milestones

Turning three for any child is a time where parents will finally be able to communicate with their children much more than they were able to before. At the end of the 4th year, he or she should be able to say his of her name and age when asked, and will answer questions clearly as they would have picked up around 250 – 500 words. They are able to tell stories and update you on their day at school.

Cognitive Development Milestones

If you thought the terrible two were bad, because they never stopped moving around, the three’s is an age, where parents would hear the word “Why?” at least a hundred times a day. 3-to-4-year-olds will question everything around them. As annoying as it might be, this is normal in the developmental progress as they try to catch up with information. This is when cognitive development takes precedence over everything else as they begin to understand and form opinions on varying subject matters. During this time they will name colours, and understand concepts like same and different, morning, noon and night, and remember stories their teacher told them at nursery. They will use building blocks to construct tall structures and solve age appropriate puzzles.

Emotional and Social development Milestones

A child aged between three and four will thrive in social situations. They will make friends easily and find things to say and do with their newfound friends almost immediately. They will share their toys and accept the concept of waiting their turn during play. Their acting skills will also develop well as they imitate parents and teachers, and show affection to other children and babies. They will understand the concept of possession and will know what belongs to them and their friends. They will make faces to show their emotions; like for instance when you call out bedtime to your 3 year old, they will make a sad face to show their disapproval

Friday, July 12, 2013

Practical Learning More Advantages than Theoretical Teaching

In a city as multicultural as Dubai, where hundreds of different ethnicities come together to live, work and play, the children of Dubai are global citizens. Originating from different backgrounds, speaking many different languages, practical education tops any other educational theory. Engaging young children in play allows us at Kids Island Nursery to teach many different subjects, which are relevant and required for today’s children.

Children are naturally inclined to imitate things they see and hear. In a recent study, two groups of children were taught the alphabets using different techniques. The first group was to learn by writing and the other was to learn by songs and dance, role-play and art. The children in the first group were bored, inattentive, rebellious, and uninterested in the subject matter. They were slow to grasp, and barely showed any progress in the two-day experiment. The children in the practical group were attentive and eager to learn and imitate. The practical group of children showed higher results in the tests conducted at the end of the experiment. This proves that children learn better, when they are engaged in the learning process. This is also true of us adults; however, we are able to train our minds to concentrate through determination.

At Kids Island Nursery, we understand that the key to developing young minds is to engage them in practical learning that will keep them active and attentive. Running a nursery in Dubai, means that we have children that speak different languages and understand things differently. However all kids behave the same way in playful activities. We use this to our advantage creating a universal platform for all children, accommodating their uniqueness. At Kids Island Nursery, our teachers are qualified in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) education system, developed in the UK. The EYFS uses experimentation and practical lessons to teach alphabets, colours, and numbers, additionally social and communication skills, general knowledge, science, emotional and mental growth and so much more. We cover many topics at our pre-school in Dubai, which give our children the added advantage when moving to higher grades.

The children at Kids Island Nursery are happy and enthusiastic in their educational development. We integrate a variety of topics, like food, the weather, geography, science and of course the foundation subjects: numbers, colours, and alphabets’. We teach these topics by activities like role-play, show and tell, fun experiments, junior chef and much more.

Children at Kid’s Island Nursery are confident with strong personalities as we strive to instil social interaction and intellectual skills throughout their time with us. We strongly follow our principles to guide all our students equally on all fronts while understand that each of them are different.