Children act aggressively for a variety of reasons, to express many feelings associated with discomfort, explains an educator at the Nursery Schools in Dubai. It's important for parent's to understand their child's behavior and act in a way that helps the child instead of creating a distance between the child.
Behavioral patters are particular to each child and situation. Some parents have trouble dealing with situations as well, they jump in as soon as they spot a problem and this only escalates the situation with the child, as responding aggressively will teach the child that being aggressive is how to solve problems. In contrast, some parents are more passive, but the child may become aggressive due to his parent backing down and not dealing with issues directly.
The way you handle an aggressive child may change from age to age and stage to stage. Here are some useful tips to help you deal with your child.
Nursery age kids and aggression
- Be Consistent-For small children the key is to be consistent. You should not ignore behaviors one day and respond by punishing the child the next. No matter what the situation is or where you are, you should be consistent. If your child is hitting a child at the Nurseries in Dubai, and the teacher informs you, then respond with something like, “Hitting is not good. You need to spend some time by yourself and calm down.” Parents make sure that you respond the same way every time.
- Take the child from the situation -Sometimes parents may need to remove the child from the situation to help the child gain control over their emotions. For instance, if you're at a department store and your child is having a tantrum, because you’re not buying the toy the child wanted, you can say “You’re making too much noise. We’re not going to buy that toy and if you don’t stop, we’ll have to leave.” If your child doesn’t stop, follow through and take him out of the store.
- Give the child a pep talk before a particular situation - If you know there are situations that are difficult for your child, like the first day at the Dubai Nursery Schools, give the child a pep talk ahead of time. If your child always has trouble in a group or with new situations, then it's good to have a small talk before the child start's school and tell them what to expect, how much fun it can be and that you will be there to pick them up when school is over. Giving the child a reassurance, will help them deal with their emotions well.
- Give time outs:Giving a child a timeout in a quiet place with some time alone, when the child has done something wrong, will help them understand that they did something wrong. Do very little talking and be very clear with your directions.
- Talk to other caregivers:It’s important to remember that misbehaviors, like fighting and physical aggression, occur in the Childcare Nursery in Dubai as well. This is how children learn to get along with each other, but when the child becomes aggressive they should be dealt with immediately. Make sure to coordinate the action taken by the caregiver so that both are consistent and check in with the caregiver regularly to make sure that the behavior is improving.
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