Out of the many nursery
methods in education, many of the best nursery schools in Dubai rely
heavily on the motto learning
through play. One such play material is play dough! Not only is it
fun and popular among young children but the benefits of it when it comes to
education are many.
Play dough has an indirect impact towards improving the fine
motor skills of children. The malleable properties
of play dough make it fun
for investigation and exploration as well as secretly building up strength in all the
tiny hand muscles and tendons, making them ready for pencil and scissor control
later on.
Poking in objects and pulling them out of play dough
strengthens hand muscles and co-ordination. As part of simple, tactile play it
can be squashed, squeezed, rolled, flattened, chopped, cut, scored, raked,
punctured, poked and shredded! Each one of these different actions aids fine
motor development in a different way, not to mention hand-eye co-ordination and
general concentration. And as soon as you add another element to
it, the list of benefits and creative play possibilities continues to grow!
The kids imagination and creativity can grow in leaps and
bounds when they play with play dough. As soon as you introduce open ended play
items to add to the mix, play dough becomes the perfect medium for numerous
types of imaginative play and can represent so many things in
a child’s eyes. A jar of candles and cupcakes cases leads
naturally to birthday party role-play, counting out candles and singing! Glass
pebbles can lead to sea-side imaginative small world play with storytelling
about sea creatures and mermaids!
Also play dough can help calm and sooth anyone including
kids and adults. The effects of all that squeezing and pummeling are great for
stress relief and can feel extremely therapeutic! Little children can struggle
to express their emotions and using dough while talking and singing can really
help that process.
With time play dough can be used in
more focused play and help in introducing mathematics, science and literacy
skills. Talk to your nursery
school to learn more on the use of play dough as a part of daily play
and learning times with the young children.
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