Kids Island Nursery and Resolving conflict and behavioural problems amongst toddlers
When it comes to young children and their siblings, even in the case of older children, conflict is a common phenomenon brought on by completely natural emotions. Jealousy, attention, insecurities, and not knowing what their own place is in the family can cause your toddler to become aggressive towards, you, his younger or older siblings, and even with his friends from school.
Acting out, throwing tantrums, depression, fear, are contributing factors to what might result in tantrums at Dubai preschool, at home or in public places. Sometimes children may seem stubborn even if you did take them out, or took them with you to the supermarket. These times can be trying for parents, who are trying to balance the need of every child, along with work life and alone time.
Some children accept and welcome another brother or sister, while other act indifferent, and for some others accepting another baby in to the family will take time. Patience and diligence is key in these instances, and what your oldest child may need, could as simply be just some quality time with just them. A new baby is quite literally a handful, but may be each parent can take turns spending time with both children. Watching a movie without outside interruptions, like phone calls, or checking your emails.
Sometimes children just need you to themselves and they have not mastered the art of communicating this need to you as yet. But with constant chats, and leaving the door open for them to approach you whenever something troubles them, will help your child and you adjust to new responsibilities and role changes.
Role change is by far the most prominent of all factors that causes young children to show aggressive behaviour. If you have toddlers who are close in age, like two and four, you may find yourself playing referee more often than you'd like to. Most often than not, one of them will dominate while the other remains submissive. This situation will probably find you yelling at one, while protecting the other causing more friction between the two. Its best to treat both children equally, and talk to them individually. Empathy is key, and making both children understand where the other is coming from, will aid in both children finding middle ground and coming to a compromise. If you feel at this moment that one may have been unfair to other, talk to them separately, explain to them how their action is wrong, and you have immense trust in them to be good, and that you know they are capable of being fair to their younger siblings. Talking to them in this way, will improve their behaviour at home, in public and at our nursery school Dubai, and you may even see a positive shift in their behaviour towards other children and their own siblings.
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