Children are known to be fast learners and thus pick things up more easily than adults do. But for some parents they may find themselves worried when their child still hasn’t started talking at age two, or is struggling to learn the alphabet at five.
Children with learning disabilities may show early warning signs by talking later than other kids do or will struggle to count to ten even with practice. Your child could have a learning disability, but this does not mean they aren’t smart just that they require a special method of teaching and patience to help them across.
Many people mistake learning disabilities for having a lower IQ, but psychologists agree that children who are slow require special attention early to help them overcome the difficulties they face. The problem usually has to do with the way he learns and not his intelligence. These children are almost always in the higher percentile of intelligence, but have a hard time absorbing information, and sometimes have a higher IQ than the others. They just have to work harder to understand the information. But once they do, they are on their way to successfully making it through preschool.
Early signs to look for in children with Learning Disabilities
There is no specific time that children are supposed to achieve important milestones, just an average age in months where children generally achieve certain goals. When children pass these average timelines to talk, walk, or pronounce simple words, they may be experiencing learning difficulties. Children with disabilities are categorized into three easy to understand groups; Reading difficulties, writing difficulties, and math skills. There are also a range of other learning difficulties associated with motor skills, memory, and coordination.
All learning difficulties are categorized with systematic counteractive measures to help children with special needs succeed through school. In most cases, a child will have just one type of learning difficulty, but it is not uncommon to have a combination of two or more.
Dyslexia is the term given to children with reading difficulties and dyscalculia is associates with children who have trouble with maths. Attention deficit disorders are not considered learning difficulties, but children who have learning difficulties sometimes have attention difficulties as well.
As a parent you may first start to notice signs of learning disabilities in your baby’s first and second year when they begin to speak, pick up words, pick things up and respond to simple commands. When any of these goals are not reached at the far end of the spectrum, your child may need some extra attention to help them learn absorb the information.
Delayed speech is the first sign that something may be wrong. In some cases, children may start to speak on time, but nothing they say makes much sense, they may pronounce words wrong, and will learn new words at a slower pace than most others. He or she may recite the alphabet without a problem but will not be able to identify the alphabet when shown. Coordination and motor skills may be noticed when they struggle to hold a crayon or follow simple commands as “come here”
Regardless of the learning difficulty your child has, we at Kids Island and Cocoon Nurseries follow strict guidelines set forth by the Early Years Foundation Stage (EFYS) UK to ensure that all children receive proper care and attention during their Dubai preschool years. We work very closely with parents of children to ensure that their time with us at nursery school is appropriately reported to give parents of children with learning difficulties enough time to plan out a course of action. Our highly regulated nursery environment is staffed by some of the most dedicated educators of young preschoolers, who receive constant training in their role as pre-kindergarten teachers. Visit our nursery Dubai to give your child the best platform to shine in his endeavours.
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