Tuesday, February 24, 2015

When Your Child Does Not Like Preschool

As a parent , you would have gone bananas for Preschool in Dubai for your only child. You would have invested in a complete makeover for the child's room with an area to study and incorporate all they would learn in preschool like the sensory toys, the puzzles, small pitchers full of split peas on another and practiced the art of giving a lesson, so that you can step back and wait for the magic of preschool to happen and turn your little tantrum thrower into a child who sits and concentrates for long periods of time, dutifully refining his fine motor skills.
But sadly this is not what happens  with your little learner, the trays were played with briefly and then left on the shelf to collect dust, or refused to do the work correctly and the split peas scattered everywhere. Your initial enthusiasm of incorporating the system of Early Years Education in Dubai in your child dwindles, and now you may get the slightest bit irritated by those pretty pictures of children calmly attending to and exhibiting intense interest in working on a tray.
Since your child has lost all interest in what you have carefully designed, you’re left wondering if preschool  just doesn’t work for your child. Believe it or not, this preschool in the home scenario is very common, but just because you have all the age appropriate tools and a home full of preschool activities it does not mean that the child will want to engage in it.
Here are some tips to help your child want to have the same enthusiasm that children at the Kindergarten in Dubai, has about learning,
Observe the child - If your child is not doing the activities on the shelf, what is it that the child is doing. Make a list of what you see. It is possible that your child is in a sensitive period for a completely different type of work than what you offer. The best thing to do is get to know your child and then plan the activities to meet their needs and interests. Design the work that will appeal to and enrich the life of your child.
Repeat the same work, but change them a little - For instance, instead of using pom-poms in two bowls with tongs, trade them out for cotton balls.  Make the lime squeezing work a lemon squeezing work.  Remove the green colored bowls and substitute with red ones. Sometimes small changes like this will work wonders to renew the child’s interest. Make these simple changes and leave it to the child to discover.
Give it some time - There are flaws in rotating the work too often and if they are traded out too soon, the child may never get the chance to come back to them and enjoy them the way the child wanted to. It's best for teachers and parents to leave the same work out long past the point when the children seem done with them explains an educator of the EYFS Dubai method . This is because children are drawn to the new, bright and shiny and focus for short amounts of time only to move onto the next bright and shiny thing.  When new work or toys arrive often, children learn to expect their arrival, and they will wait for them. Given enough time, most children return to familiar activities, remember the lessons, and engage without being shy.
Ask for help - If it's not all working out the way you want to make sure to ask for help.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Child's Play: Aids and Enhances Development

Play is how children in Kindergarten Dubai come to understand the world, and use their senses, like touching, tasting, smelling, hearing, and seeing. Learning as they mix colors, dig holes, explore a new texture, climb stairs, listen to music, crawl in play tubes and our a glass of water, is key to a child's development. They are learning about what things are, how they work, the shape of things and how their own bodies work as they push and pull, jump and stretch, stir and swirl, roll and stand very still. The world becomes their own private laboratory to engage their whole bodies in exploration and discovery.
Children can often be social butterflies and through play, learn how to make friends. Letting a child interact with a peer group, freely is a great way for parents to help children make friends. While children play with other children in the Children's Nursery in Dubai,  setting,  they learn about displaying emotions such as what makes them sad or happy. They learn how to work together towards a goal, leadership skills, and how to get along in a group.  They learn how to be kind and what to do when someone is unkind, both two very important lessons.
Children learn many behavioral qualities when they interact with children at a Preschool in Dubai. This is where they are exposed to children of many cultures and different ages. They learn how to share, take turns, negotiate, lead, follow, listen, collaborate, plan, imagine, and show affection. There are 6 stages of what a child's play looks like.
  1. Unoccupied Play: Children just observe with no playing.
  2. Solitary Play: Children play by themselves.
  3. Onlooker Play: Children watch others play, but do not join in.
  4. Parallel Play: Children play side by side, but don't interact. They may watch each other and do the same things.
  5. Associative Play: Children are playing together, but not in an organized way. They are interesting, but don't appear to have a goal.
  6. Cooperative Play: Children play together in an organized, coordinated way.

Children will go back and forth between these stages, but as they get older, they will prefer the association or cooperative play approach.
Children need an unstructured and unscheduled time to explore and discover.  Learning happens most effectively with open-ended materials that can be used in different  ways to nurture creativity. Use materials such as building-blocks, Legos™, sand, water, dirt, a small wheelbarrow, small shovels and balls of many sizes.
Child's play time can be enhanced by the presence of a nurturing adult in the form of a parent or an educator, at home or at your child's Nursery in Jumeirah. The child leads the play time and the parent follows. Also, make sure to guide your child's play, while on a play date or at the playground. Your presence enables another level of meaningful play to happen, such as the child may figure out that with you being there he or she can figure out a tough situation or try something they would try out on their own.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Importance of Early Childhood Education in Dubai

:Most parents have different views when it comes to Foundation Stage Nursery Dubai, especially preschool. Some of the perceptions that parents have on preschool education is that they feel that their children are too young to be in a structured environment,  preschool education is expensive, it's a trend rather than a necessity and an exclusive name for a day care.
However, research shows that  children who enrolled in early education programs benefit by receiving formal education before they start school. Children who are in preschool are found to be well behaved, are quick learners and have higher IQ scores when they start school as opposed to children who don't attend preschool and without any formal education.
Critics of the concept of Kindergarten in Dubai, claim that the difference between children receiving preschool education and  children not receiving formal education is visible only during first or second grade. They reiterate that children perform at the same level without preschool education. Another problem that was expressed is the affordability of preschool as they can have a hefty price tag which is not affordable, by all parents. Critics argue that children can receive formal education in other ways too, like day care and parents teaching their young children at home.  Even though, children in Day Care in Dubai can develop intellectually, they lack the approach, curriculum and verity that children have at preschool.
Most childhood educators claim that children of a preschool going age learn best when they are not pushed too hard, they have an opportunity to interact with their peers, and their parents and instructors treat them kindly. Children perform at their best and take a liking to preschool when the  activities are interesting and are held only for a few hours a day, they cannot spend long hours in preschool and away from their parents. Children attending preschool's in Dubai will not benefit from programs with inexperienced teachers and large classrooms.
Children who attend pre-school will benefit from the following, improved social skills, less or no need for special education instruction during subsequent school years, better grades, and enhanced attention spans. They also go on to have fewer behavioral problems when they start going to a mainstream school. Children with learning or other physical disabilities benefit immensely from preschool education as well. Also, children taught how to speak a second language during their early developmental years are also in a better position to learn new languages at a young age.
 No matter what the differences in opinion about preschool education, children benefit from receiving some type of education during their early developmental years. However, there is no 'one-size fits all' concept when it comes to teaching children, while some children can benefit from preschool, other children may, they benefit from receiving educational instruction from their parents or some others at Summer Camp Nursery Dubai. Therefore, parents must evaluate a child's unique personality and determine if preschool education is best suited for a child or not.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

How Your Child Can Benefit From Preschool in Dubai

Parents in Dubai are feeling the pressure to enrol their three and four year old children in pre-school or kindergarten.  Most three year olds throughout the world are attending pre-schools giving parents a much needed break at home while their rambunctious youngster is at play school.
For many children, preschool is their first experience in a structured environment with teachers and children of all ages and backgrounds. Preschool gives children the opportunity to learn, to share, follow instructions, and begin the foundation for learning that will occur in their early education.
Research shows that preschools  can help with preparing children in grade school and the many challenges that lie ahead. While some nurseries in the UAE  are considered better than others,  parents are paying a considerable amount of money for their child to attend the Dubai Nursery. Other parents feel that preschool is just a hyped day-care, and are not interested in enrolling their children at all in a preschool  and are unaware of the many benefits of a preschool education.
Here is a look at some of the many benefits of sending your child to preschool.  
 Children who attend kindergarten in Dubai are reported to have a positive experience and better prepare for the many years of school ahead. Once they are exposed to the school environment from a young age, they look forward to it.
Preschool is the building blocks of a child's education. Young children may not respond well to flash cards or drills but will learn well through play and games that teach them numbers, letters, new languages, colors, art, design and how to write their name. These fun games and interactive play can improve a child's memory giving them a jump start on learning.
Socialization and communication, are also taught at a preschool as opposed to a day care in Dubai. Most  daycares have not structured learning times and a proper curriculum or give much emphasis on  teaching  socialization and communication skills such as not to talk during story time, how to sit in a circle patiently, or leave a room without running. These are good habits that a child is expected to know when they reach kindergarten and preschool.
A highly structured environment will benefit the youngsters learn to make friends, share and play in harmony with other children of the same age. This doesn't mean there are lots of rules or that adults constantly direct children's activities. Also, the space in a classroom is organized to encourage social interaction, and minimize overcrowding.
A child's sense of competence and self-worth grows,  as they learn to take care of themselves and help other children in a preschool environment. For instance, a child is expected to wash his or her hands before snack time, keep personal belongings in their desk and put away toys before moving to another activity.
Therefore, even though preschools can be expensive and have a long waiting list, which may deter some parent from enrolling their child in a preschool, keep in mind that preschool is the first stepping stone in your child's journey of learning. So it's up to you as a well meaning parent to consider the benefits of preschool.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Water Safety Tips For Preschool Children

Children in Nursery Schools in Dubai love to play water and enjoy all water based learning activities. They love to splash, giggle, wiggle and learn the many benefits of water. There are a lot of benefits about children's aquatic joys. And sometimes, even a simple bucket of water or a faucet can keep them amused for hours. But, as children become more involved and adventuresome, they become less fearsome of large bodies of water, like pools and the sea, which can be a concern and a worrisome factor for parents due to the dangers of drowning.

Here are some helpful and useful water safety tips, that parents should adopt with their little water loving toddlers, both at home or at the Early Years Nursery in Dubai
  • Life vests are a must around pools, lakes and large water sources and there should be no flexibility with this necessity. Make sure to get a life vest that fits the child well, never substitute a life vest with inflatable options. 
  • Take CPR and first aid lesson for children. What you learn here will never go to waste and is not only limited to, water based emergencies, but other emergencies that you may encounter with a child, so it's best to be prepared and ready if something unthinkable happens. 
  • Make sure to supervise the child in the water. Parent's should stay within arm’s length of children near water. 
  • Always have your mobile phone nearby. 
  • Be sure that all home pools are completely enclosed by a fence. This is important for the pools at the Summer Camp Nursery in Dubai as well, when there are children of all ages using the pool. The camp instructor and a lifeguard should be at the pool at all times for large pools, but if it's an inflatable pool, children should be only in the pool under supervision and in the right gear. 
  • Remove all toys and other enticing play objects from around the pool. Nursery schools may use this to make pool time fun for children, but it's not safe . Make sure to establish the rule that “toy” playing happens outside the pool. 
  • Consider swimming lessons. While this is not a guarantee that you can save a child from drowning, it can provide parents with a foundation for water safety rules and proper swim etiquette. 
  • Always drain tubs, kiddie pools, water buckets, or anything else after use. 
  • At the beach be mindful and vigilant of strong undertows and rip currents that can easily sweep children as well as adults underwater. 
  • Keep in mind that small pools of water, including landscaping and are a source of danger. 
  • Know exactly, that the signs of drowning are, because they look nothing like the thrashing and screaming you see on TV or in the movies. In reality, the warning signs are quiet and often missed.
Some of the most important water safety rules that parents should teach every child is,
  • Don’t go close to water without an adult.
  • Never dunk or push another child into the water.
  • Don’t run on the pool deck or boat dock.
  • Always jump in feet first.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Preparing For Preschool

There are children who make a transition for the toddler program into preschool in the summer. And this timing becomes very unique in that the child enters the preschool program as the summer camp curriculum starts. Summer Camp Nursery in Dubai  is filled with lots of fun days, of casual activities and themes. It gives younger children time to explore and do activities with the older preschoolers and receive an excellent social experience in a  mixed-aged setting. But this setting also provided a tougher transition for some children who are still struggling with a new environment,  self-control skills and experiences.
Here are some useful tips to prepare your child to face Kids Nurseries in Dubai,  so that they are ready for school.
  • Talk about the Daily Schedule. Most preschooler kids take it well then they know what to expect. Sharing the daily schedule with your child can go a long way in helping your child like and adjust to the whole preschool thing. Usually the teacher in charge of the class your child belongs to will share this with you prior to the first day of preschool. Also, watch programs or read stories about going to school, so that the child will get used to the idea.

  • Build a relationship with the teacher. Whether your child is transitioning from a toddler classroom, from a home daycare, from grandparent care, or simply starting preschool at one of the Dubai Nursery Schools, for the first time, the best advice for preparing for preschool is to build a good relationship with the teacher. Find out how the communication between the parent and the teacher are carried out. Some teachers take the time to talk during drop off and pick up time, while others will communicate via email or a formal meeting with each parent on a regular basis. Teachers are partners in a child's Early Years Education in Dubai and can be a great resource for helping your child during the first days of preschool and throughout the year.

  • Establish a routine. Establish a bedtime routine and a morning routine well in advance of starting preschool and stick to it. Transitional periods can cause chaos on even the best, followed schedules, however, so also plan to be flexible and buffer in extra time when needed.

  • Plan your exit strategy - Morning drop offs can be challenging for a parent, especially if your preschooler is clinging to you. It's best to establish a goodbye plan and remind your child each day until the routine is established. Establishing a routine can take time and there will be days the child will become extra clingy, with patience and a good goodbye routine, the child will relent eventually.

  • Make the first day extra special. The first day of preschool is a big deal and should be treated as such. A new backpack, new school supplies, a nice trendy outfit, a special first day breakfast and first day of preschool photo all go a long way in helping children know that something new and special is happening