Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Dubai Preschools

Many parents wake up in the morning with plenty to do, and the most difficult part is getting your youngest child out of bed and ready for his or her day at preschool in Dubai. Parents always find that they are juggling a million things before the family leaves for school and work. Breakfast and packed lunches are the most time consuming and thought provoking, as moms try to pack a nutritious snack that their child will love.

Many children as young as two have already decided what they like and don’t like. They run away from the sound of vegetables but will try something new only if prepared to their liking. It is common for moms to find half eaten lunches after a day at nursery.

Young children require large amounts of calcium for their growing bones, minerals to keep them healthy, fiber and carbohydrates to provide the energy and protein to help in the development of their muscles. If you are a lucky mom, whose child eats “anything”, you probably find it easy to pack a school lunch. However for those moms who struggle to get their child to eat nutritious food, here are some convenient ingredients that is both nutritious and instant.



Flaxseeds are full of omega-3 fatty acids that help in the development of the brain. Flaxseeds are a category of plant-based food that can be added over baked goodies like pizza and pastries or substituted for flour in countless recipes like pancakes, waffles, muffins, breads, and buns.


Although tofu is seldom considered as packed lunch, tofu is a great source of calcium, vitamin- B, protein and iron. Tofu is also a flexible ingredient, easily substituted in cooked food as cheese or meats. Tofu can be grilled or fried and added to sandwiches or eaten by itself.


Most children love cheese and for good reason too. Cheese provides plenty of calcium needed for healthy bones, and teeth. Cheese alone or in sandwiches make great preschool snacks.

Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is full of nutrition and conveniently comes in a jar. Peanut butter is packed with fiber, calcium, magnesium, vitamin B-6, iron, carbohydrates, and mono-saturated fats. A peanut butter sandwich accompanied with a fruit will give your child almost all the nutrition they require during the day.


Nuts contain a high nutritional value for adults and children who attend Dubai preschools. Pistachios, almonds, hazelnuts, pine nuts, cashews and walnuts are packed with nutrition; omega 3, proteins, calcium, unsaturated fats, and loads of minerals. Nuts are great for children, and are eaten as they are or topped on pastries, breads, and salads. Do consult your doctor however, as some children are allergic to nuts.


Fruits are an important part to everybody’s health and wellness and it is no different for children. Many children are picky eaters as they are forming their opinion to certain foods and will only eat what they like. If your child does not like having fruits, introduce an all-natural fruit juice, or baking fruit pies that they enjoy.


It is common knowledge amongst mothers with young children who struggle to get their child to eat their vegetables. Vegetables do need to be disguised in other foods. To save on time in the morning, try baking vegetables along with cheese or tofu into a pastry or bread roll the previous night, and heating it up in the morning. The children are distracted by the convenience and cheese they will not notice the goodness of the vegetables.

Lunchtime at Kids Island Nursery is a fun activity where all the children identify and open their transparent lunch bags provided by Kids Island Nursery. Children are encouraged to open their boxes and talk about their snacks, which helps distract them from their dislikes. Our class teachers and assistants encourage your child to eat making sure they have received the nutrition they need to carry on for the rest of the day.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Dubai Nurseries

Raising children in Dubai is considered to be one the best things for both parents and children. Dubai came in at number 18, as the best cities to be born in. Crime is next to none, schools are always of a high standard, and children will never run out of safe and fun things to do. Dubai Pre-schools have a mix of nationalities, curriculum is based on western education principles, and your child will love the whole experience of living in Dubai.  

Living in Dubai is one that cannot be compared to any other city in the world. The culture is a mix of global customs, and the standard of living is high. If you are moving here with young children, you will wonder why you hadn’t moved here earlier. Dubai presents children with a safe and secure social environment in which they thrive in, as they grow and develop in more ways than expected. Children will never have less than at least 10 different nationalities in their immediate circle of friends, and they learn of the various cultures, customs, and languages; so much more than they can ever learn from a library of textbooks. Whether it’s indoors or outdoors, children in this city are happy-go-lucky individuals, it’s hard to imagine a better place to live in.

Dubai presents numerous recreational possibilities for children. Residential communities and compounds will always have parks and gaming centres, leaving plenty of room to cycle, skate and run free. The city as a whole offers numerous activity based entertainment option, bringing just about anything that children around the world enjoy to a single city. Skiing, ice skating arenas, amusement and theme parks are plenty. Shopping malls are designed around the family unit, and every mall has at least one section where kids can play safely while parents shop.

Dubai schools maintain the highest standards meeting and exceeding the expectations of parents and children. Kid’s Island and Cocoon Nurseries in Dubai is led by passionate individuals who nurture and care for children providing them with a solid academic foundation. Kid’s Island Nursery, is a preschool that follows the British curriculum of Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) to help your child progress to their highest ability. Our Dubai preschool is a facility designed for children using the best resources that Dubai has to offer. Our staff, a mix of nationalities, work together to provide children between the ages of one and four a safe and stable environment required for early development.

Kids Island and Cocoon Nurseries was established twenty years ago and we have been growing our community ever since. We are a nursery that believes the parents are the child’s first educator and we see ourselves in a supporting role. We teach and educate children but still letting them blossom into their individual personalities.

The staff at Kids Island and Cocoon Nurseries are selected for their drive and unique ability to help your child in his or her learning journey. We are a nursery that is true to the sense of Dubai, and therefore our priority is provide young children with the best facility available, led by staff that are friendly and loving towards children, and the resources available to your child is nothing short of the highest standard.

If you have moved here recently or have been living here for a while, then you know what a high quality preschool should be. If you are a parent looking for a good Dubai preschool, drop in today and talk to us about a place for your child in our preschool.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Pre-school prepares your Child for Kindergarten

For many parents and children, preschool is a stepping-stone for learning and developing. It introduced children to concept of a classroom, other groups of children and peers, teachers and specifically they learn to share and accept differences in a social environment.

Preschool does not require 100% attendance from your child, and you have the autonomy to decide on the number of days your child will attend preschool for the week. Preschool offers attendance flexibility, to allow your child to enjoy time at home with parents as well time at school.

Preschool is an introduction to structured learning for young children. Although preschool will not stress on learning and meeting academic milestones, children are gradually introduced to basic academic learning like letters and numbers, incorporated into playful activity monitored by teachers.

Kindergarten standard has seen many changes in recent years, with more focus put on pre-math and pre-English skills. As a result, preschools have had to incorporate some amount of learning into its activities to help young children handle the expectations of kindergarten. Parents are often worried, that too much learning too early will force kids to miss playtime, possibly growing up too fast. Many pre-schools aim to incorporate some amount of learning into playtime or activity based methods, which allows children time to still play, while learning as well.

Preschool can be considered as a soft launch of your child’s academic progress. It teaches them critical social skills needed, like making friends, relate stories, share things, and toys and wait their turn. It helps your child get in to the routine, of playing, sleeping, and learning. Good preschools should provide a fun and safe environment for your child. Pre-schools teachers know and understand each child’s learning ability. Preschool teachers organize and plan activities for children with emotional, social, academic, and mental development in mind.

A pre-school is only different from a playschool, in that a preschool provides structure to the madness. A preschool child is still able to sing and dance, explore and run around, but this time, they will do it with clear developmental objectives in mind.

Another very important aspect of good preschools is when teachers are accepted by children as secondary caregivers. Children learn to accept only their parents and siblings as caregivers and figures of authority. However, when they attend school or kindergarten, they are forced to accept a teacher as second authority and most children take time to adapt. Preschool teachers take an in-between role, where they will give your child, care, and attention, whilst leading their day-to-day activities. This allows your child to accept teachers as second guardians more willingly. It is important that nursery teachers are loving and kind towards all children, which prompts young children to develop with enthusiasm.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Preschool in Dubai

Children should love their time at Dubai nurseries. It is a sure way sign of knowing if the preschool in Dubai follows high standards in early child development. At Kid’s Island Nursery, we ensure that all children have plenty of structured games and activities creating excitement as they learn.

While at our Dubai nursery, children have plenty of activities to keep busy. Surrounded by other children their age they show enthusiasm in social play and developmental tasks. However, once they leave for home each day, they will look for the same level of activities especially if they are an only child. Many parents find it difficult to relate to young children who are always trying to imitate a parent. They will be more obedient when allowed to participate. Young children at the age of two, spend time exploring and wanting independence. Getting your child to sit quietly as you work is not easy.

Many parents pull their out, when children persistently want to take part in your day. Involving your child in what you are busy with, is in fact good for a child’s development, making them disciplined. Many children have short attention spans. They are trying to catch up with the world they live in, and therefore attempt everything around them. Children constantly ask questions; and this is a good sign that your child is developing correctly.

You can actually involve your child in the things you do around the house every day. When they feel as though they have had enough or something else interests them they will leave you to it.

Cooking – it is no surprise that, young girls and even boys are eager to help in the kitchen. However, the kitchen is a dangerous place for small children and parents worry. This is understandably justified. It is better if you section off an area in the kitchen itself and let them do little things for you. They feel important and this is the key to keeping them occupied and safe.

Reading – children aged three are full of questions and want to know everything their parents are doing. Most parents hand out a children’s book to their toddler while they read. However, they will lose interest almost immediately and are back in a flash wanting to know what you are reading. The way to encounter this is to in fact, play it their way. Keeping your child on your lap while you read, and explaining a few child friendly topics will get their interest at first, and when they feel they have had enough will move on to other interests on their own.  

Cleaning up – parents, who are alone with a toddler during the day, struggle to tidy up with them running around. All that your young child wants is do as you do. The trick is to invite them in to the activity itself designating easy tasks. When they feel as they have the choice instead of commanded they accept it more willingly. You can say things like “Daddy will be home soon, would you like to help me clean up?” And when they child accept the offer ask them if they would like to start by putting back toys.  It is much easier to get children involved in what you are doing, than to get them to play by themselves.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Nurseries and Preschools Dubai

Nurseries and preschools, although may not seem important, is able to give your child the right foundational environment before they attend kindergarten and elementary school. Kids Island Nursery is founded on the idea that children require stimulation and activity in order to grow and develop, preparing them academically and socially for school itself.

What is the difference between a normal school and a nursery school?

Nursery is in fact a structured methodology that allows children the freedom to learn and develop at their own pace. Nursery focuses less on academic curriculums and more on practical structured play. Kindergarten will focus on theoretical learning and putting pen to paper. This will entail alphabets, numbers, colours, shapes, and basic life sciences. The main difference between a kindergarten and nursery school, is that children do not face exams or tests in nursery level, while kindergarten systems do carry some kind of grading system.

Why should I rush my child in to learning when she is still so young?

Children who attend a nursery school in Dubai are more confident in their learning objectives than those who don’t when they begin kindergarten. They are more aware of the expectations and are much more familiar with the academic theory of kindergarten. Nursery schools do not follow a curriculum, but expose your child’s mind to the existence of letters and numbers, while introducing life sciences and concepts in a relaxed and casual manner. A nursery’s main focus is to train, your child to be independent, and social, while helping them progress mentally, physically and emotionally.

I am worried I am forcing my child to grow up too fast?

This is a concern that is quite justified and is probably fuelled by advice from family and friends. A good Dubai preschool that follows the Early Years Foundation Stage will allow your child plenty of time to play and have fun, while learning. A good foundation is to ensure that your son or daughter does not feel obligated with expectation, but appreciated for their enthusiasm. A good nursery school will combine academic theory with plenty of fun activities that your child will enjoy.

What do I look for in a good Dubai preschool?

As new parents, you may feel overwhelmed with information and advice from family and friends when looking for a preschool for your child. School shopping is a hard decision and with all the different requirements, you are forced to think about, it is difficult to decide on one school. Our best advice for choosing a preschool for your son to attend would be to let your child have the final say. If your child feels comfortable and safe in a school he visits, you will know that you have found the right school. It is important that your child is happy to attend the pre-school, where he feels the teachers are friendly and open, meets children that could potentially become his friends, and an environment he is eager to discover.

Kids Island Nursery focuses on meeting your concerns for your child, as well as your child’s expectations. Feel free to visit us along with your child and see for yourself if we meet yours and your child’s needs.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

10 Signs to look for in a great Dubai Nursery

If you are parent of a child between the ages of 3 and 5, then you are probably on the lookout for a good nursery in Dubai for your child. Nursery or Playschool; as per the European standard, is attended by young toddlers and infants, where they learn to be social and interactive while learning letters and numbers related to everyday life. Children, who follow a preschool program, are learning to make friends, accept other children and ideas different from their own, learning to play in groups and independently, and learning basic skills and knowledge with letters, numbers, colours, and things about the world they live in.

There are different ways to filter a good Dubai pre-school out of the many that you visit. The most trusted would be your own instincts and what’s best for your child. Good instincts should be what finally decides on one nursery, but here are 10 signs you should look for when scouting for a nursery for your little one.
  1. You notice that the children in a classroom are involved in structured play under the guidance of the class teacher. If you can tell that the children are in fact paying attention and not running around aimlessly, then you are sure your son or daughter is going to have fun while learning.

  2. Children are born curios and need to have many interesting toys and activity based supplies like crayons, building blocks, paintbrushes, clay and other fun and age appropriate games to keep them active. A well-developed nursery program for pre-school children will provide plenty material to play with.

  3. Activity based learning frameworks are good and the most productive in teaching young children and toddlers. If you see children smiling while they’re singing along to a nursery rhyme, and waiting their turn outside in the garden playing hop-scotch, it’s a sign that children have plenty of space to run and around and socialize in.

  4. Individualized attention by teachers is a good thing and is very important in making sure the children keep up with other. When all children are taught as one entity, it is difficult to notice those left behind. A classroom will have a minimum of two teachers to make sure all children receive undivided attention.

  5. Creative and welcoming classrooms keep children creative and happy. You can usually judge the enthusiasm of a nursery by the effort taken to decorate and plan the interior of classrooms and play areas. Most good preschools will display children’s work and projects.

  6. Letters and numbers are taught as part of their daily experiences and needs and not using worksheets and textbooks. Kids between the ages of 3 and 5 are not ready to read and write, and therefore will not be able to keep up with expectations.

  7. Long break or recess Recess is important for children to explore and play, without restrictions. They are seen using this time to discuss things they learned a while before, comparing notes and telling stories amongst running around and burning off energy.

  8. Teachers should be friendly and you can see this easily when they’re around children. If children run towards them with delight, you know they are accepted by the children and are easily approachable.

  9. No set curriculum but a standard framework of activity and learning plans to allow all children the room they need to develop. A nursery in Dubai, catering to a multicultural society should understand that children who come from different countries will have different backgrounds and knowledge and will therefore not learn at the same pace as they do not experience the same things every day.

  10. You can truly know if a school is a good nursery school for your child, if you notice the enthusiasm in the children that attend. You will be able to see this for yourself when visiting a playschool in the morning hours. A friendly and educative nursery will have friendly staff, be willing to answer your questions, no matter how many they are, and would love to show you around and let you talk to other parents and children.
Kids Island Nursery Dubai, prides itself in building and creating a safe and secure place for your children, while making sure they have fun while learning and developing. If you’re looking for a good play school for your toddler or young child, pay us a visit with your child, and see for yourself.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Nurseries in Dubai

Children are naturally inclined to play. Play is natural process for children who are growing and developing. From the moment your child takes his or her first breath, muscles are exercised and strengthened. Sitting upright, is in fact a task, and this means he or she has been working on strengthening back muscles to allow them to sit on their own without support. What we may take for granted today, was in fact a challenging milestone which we accomplished through curiosity and play. 

Many pre-schools in Dubai adapt play into the teaching methods to ensure your child’s development requirements are met. Physical, mental, intellectual, and emotional developments are addressed by different types of games and activity tools. Simple activities like putting a puzzle together helps the tiny muscles in the fingers and the eye muscles to strengthen, while running and jumping around helps develop the large muscles in the legs and hands.

Nurseries in Dubai are required to balance teaching methods to include all the developmental needs of children of a specific age group. A typical day at pre-school in Dubai would include storytelling and show and tell, group play, outdoor play, imaginative play, resting time, time to eat, board games and puzzles. Each of these different activities helps your child build one or two different skills. Show-and-tell, would help your child improve his or her language skills while developing their confidence and use of hands and facial expressions. Outdoor play helps your child strengthen his or her motor skills, while improving social skills and confidence to play in groups.

Physical play also helps a child with thinking and problem solving skills. When a child begins to walk, he or she will usually aim for something high up or out of reach. This encourages them to think of a smart plan or way to obtain the object of interest. Children gradually learn to walk after a weeks of reaching and grabbing on to furniture. Physical activity will increase throughout the years as they get older, children will attempt play that is more strenuous and sports.

“Quiet time” like drawing and painting is considered a necessary activity to help in the development of the muscles in fingers. Children start unable to hold a pencil or pen, however as they reach the age of three or four, they begin holding a crayon or pencil correctly. With lots of practice, they will become stable writers and painters by the age of ten and eleven.

The teachers at Kids Island Nursery in Dubai ensure our children are constantly learning through play and games to keep them interested in the subject matter while growing and strengthening their muscles and bones. Although, children love to play and be active for most parts of the day, it is important to ensure they receive the right nutrition to support them in their playful development.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Understanding Your Toddler – Childrens Nursery Dubai

At kids Island Nursery, we take great pride in securing a safe and interesting environment for kids to develop. Pre-school children develop at different rates and stages, which sometimes leaves parents in the dark not knowing how to react to different situations. The age between two and five are interesting years, considered fun and exciting for both caregivers and the children. These are the years where many long and short phases will come and go which sometimes leaves you pulling your hair out. Although no two children are the same, they learn words at rapid rates, influenced greatly by the diverse mix if cultures and traditions found in a single classroom in Dubai Nurseries.

Their favourite word is “No”

Little children are trying to establish their power over parents; therefore, their favourite word will be “No”. They understand that “No” means disapproval and hence will respond in the same way for most requests. “Time for bed”, “Time to eat”, “Time to go to school”, will all be answered by; ”NO”. This phase will pass after they reach the age of five or six when they have learned more words and are able to describe exactly what they want. You will hear your child using the word “NO” at nursery as well with their peers. They are striving to become leaders amongst their playgroup and teachers.
I am a big Boy or I am big Girl

Children in this age group are striving to state their individuality and will therefore proactively take part in decisions. One of the most important aspects of communication to a child, is to be listened to and will insist some of their suggestions are taken into account. Pre-schoolers are always trying to establish themselves as individuals; different from their parents and this is what they like. At home, they will insist on eating and bathing by themselves, at their Dubai pre-school they will insist on completing a given task without the help of their teacher. Each complete task will give them satisfaction and the motivation to keep proving themselves repeatedly.

Nursery Children will make profound statements

Children who attend pre-school will mimic statements and actions of caregivers and peers. Parents usually will find themselves embarrassed with some statements that pre-schoolers make. They will repeat things they hear from the music they listen to, adult conversations, and anything else they are exposed to. It is very important to filter content, they see and hear, and ensure they are surrounded by age appropriate activities and entertainment. However, should they have already picked up behaviour or vocabulary you do not approve of, deal with these situations diligently and ensuring they clearly understand what is approved and what is not.

Pre-schoolers repeat stories

Pre-schoolers want to be heard and feel important. This will mean repeating the same stories, until everyone they look up to has heard it. They might relate a story from home over and over again to their peers and teachers and vice versa. This should be encouraged, as it through stories they will improve their vocabulary; learning words and phrases every day.

Emotions will be described with stories

A preschooler is at the stage where they begin to understand things happening around them. For example, when they want to go out and play on a rainy day, they will explain that they can’t because the sky is crying and therefore they are sad too. If they miss a day at nursery, they will express their disappointment to amongst peers by stating that little monsters went into their body and made them sick. An explanation given by pre-schoolers will be amusing and we suggest that time time be appreciated to its fullest, as their stories will be missed by them they grow older.

Understanding Cause and Effect

Pre-schoolers will make the connection between the cause of something and the effect. They will begin make the connection between being sick and needing medicine. Oh a cloudy day, followed by rain.

Pre-schoolers communicate best with art and body language

Nursery going children are very physical and artistic. They are fond of gestures and actions and are eager to rein act experiences and things seen on television. As part of their curriculum at Kids Island Nursery, they will have plenty of playtime which helps them develop their imaginative skills. School Role-plays of re-enacting the elements of weather, sun, cloud, rain and snow will encourage them to do the same at home when relating their days events to parents. Preschoolers express their deep emotions through art. Art and craft is a good way of understanding your child’s mood very well.

The age between two and three are the most interesting years for both children and caregivers. It is a time for learning and developing and don’t be surprised if you find yourself learning new things everyday from your little children. Kids Island Nursery Dubai ensures that all little children are able to develop and learn at their pace maintaining their individuality.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Nursery in Dubai

Kids Island Nursery, in Dubai works on the fundamental milestones established by Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). EYFS guides us with tools and techniques to follow for each age group  ensuring all children, regardless of age, ethnicity, or social background have equal opportunity to excel as individuals.

Children are born ready to learn and learn fast. However, they achieve different milestones at different times, based on their interest and environment during a set period. When children attend a nursery school in Dubai, they are able to interact with other children from different backgrounds. Attending a Nursery in Dubai is one of the best experiences that a child as young as two can enjoy. The mix of races and ethnicities, amazing resources of teachers from all over the world, and state of the art equipment will help your three-year old progress greatly compared to attending school anywhere else in the world.

There are standard goals that children will reach during their years at nursery. These years are called, “The Magical Years”, as they have passed the terrible twos and are now finally accepting approved behavior, understanding commands, being independent and their minds begin creative and imaginative thinking. This period with be both amusing and enlightening to parents as well.

A 3-to-4-year old is prepared to grow and develop in many aspects throughout the year and keeping track of their achievements can be a difficult task. Each child will develop varying skills and talents however, there are certain general advancements that all children are likely to make at pre-school level.

Speech and Language Milestones

Turning three for any child is a time where parents will finally be able to communicate with their children much more than they were able to before. At the end of the 4th year, he or she should be able to say his of her name and age when asked, and will answer questions clearly as they would have picked up around 250 – 500 words. They are able to tell stories and update you on their day at school.

Cognitive Development Milestones

If you thought the terrible two were bad, because they never stopped moving around, the three’s is an age, where parents would hear the word “Why?” at least a hundred times a day. 3-to-4-year-olds will question everything around them. As annoying as it might be, this is normal in the developmental progress as they try to catch up with information. This is when cognitive development takes precedence over everything else as they begin to understand and form opinions on varying subject matters. During this time they will name colours, and understand concepts like same and different, morning, noon and night, and remember stories their teacher told them at nursery. They will use building blocks to construct tall structures and solve age appropriate puzzles.

Emotional and Social development Milestones

A child aged between three and four will thrive in social situations. They will make friends easily and find things to say and do with their newfound friends almost immediately. They will share their toys and accept the concept of waiting their turn during play. Their acting skills will also develop well as they imitate parents and teachers, and show affection to other children and babies. They will understand the concept of possession and will know what belongs to them and their friends. They will make faces to show their emotions; like for instance when you call out bedtime to your 3 year old, they will make a sad face to show their disapproval

Friday, July 12, 2013

Practical Learning More Advantages than Theoretical Teaching

In a city as multicultural as Dubai, where hundreds of different ethnicities come together to live, work and play, the children of Dubai are global citizens. Originating from different backgrounds, speaking many different languages, practical education tops any other educational theory. Engaging young children in play allows us at Kids Island Nursery to teach many different subjects, which are relevant and required for today’s children.

Children are naturally inclined to imitate things they see and hear. In a recent study, two groups of children were taught the alphabets using different techniques. The first group was to learn by writing and the other was to learn by songs and dance, role-play and art. The children in the first group were bored, inattentive, rebellious, and uninterested in the subject matter. They were slow to grasp, and barely showed any progress in the two-day experiment. The children in the practical group were attentive and eager to learn and imitate. The practical group of children showed higher results in the tests conducted at the end of the experiment. This proves that children learn better, when they are engaged in the learning process. This is also true of us adults; however, we are able to train our minds to concentrate through determination.

At Kids Island Nursery, we understand that the key to developing young minds is to engage them in practical learning that will keep them active and attentive. Running a nursery in Dubai, means that we have children that speak different languages and understand things differently. However all kids behave the same way in playful activities. We use this to our advantage creating a universal platform for all children, accommodating their uniqueness. At Kids Island Nursery, our teachers are qualified in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) education system, developed in the UK. The EYFS uses experimentation and practical lessons to teach alphabets, colours, and numbers, additionally social and communication skills, general knowledge, science, emotional and mental growth and so much more. We cover many topics at our pre-school in Dubai, which give our children the added advantage when moving to higher grades.

The children at Kids Island Nursery are happy and enthusiastic in their educational development. We integrate a variety of topics, like food, the weather, geography, science and of course the foundation subjects: numbers, colours, and alphabets’. We teach these topics by activities like role-play, show and tell, fun experiments, junior chef and much more.

Children at Kid’s Island Nursery are confident with strong personalities as we strive to instil social interaction and intellectual skills throughout their time with us. We strongly follow our principles to guide all our students equally on all fronts while understand that each of them are different.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Choosing a Nursery in Dubai

Whether you have recently travelled to Dubai or have been living here for long, one of the biggest decisions that young parents are faced with is choosing the right pre-school in Dubai for your young toddler.

We have seen how young children; toddlers and babies alike, cling to their mothers on the first day caused by separation anxiety. This is normal and expected of children as young as they are, when they enter nursery, due to the unfamiliarity of a new environment and people. Whether you have made the move to Dubai recently or have always lived here, looking for nurseries in Dubai to ensure your child safety, happiness and learning is at the best facility is important to any parent before they leave their precious little ones for the day.

There are certain factors you need to consider before deciding on the Best Pre-school in Dubai for you and your child. The curriculum that the school follows is vital and most important as it is the foundation that they will obtain and the system followed should help your child in their future higher education with other schools and syllabuses.

It is important that the school you pick, gives your toddler a broad spectrum of education and learning activities that helps in personal and academic growth. All aspects of your toddlers developmental criteria, should be integrated in the curriculum like, emotional, social, physical, and mental, while encouraging enthusiasm for learning and exploring.

Secondly, having a school follow a strict disciplinary boundary is important in cultivating morals and manners that will come in handy when moving to higher education and social environments. However, it is of utmost importance that any school when considered does not over step the parent’s authority nor should they scare your child into good behavior as children only misbehave when their required needs are not met.

The first five years of any child are most important and it is during this time that they discover their niche and their special talents and capabilities. It is therefore important to ensure that the nursery you pick, inculcates enthusiasm for self-discovery and progress.

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a nursery for your child, is ensuring that you are involved and the school you pick, encourages your feedback and works with you as a team to improve your child’s progress made overall.

Last but not least, any nursery should encourage individuality, while maintaining a sound academic syllabus that is certified by international bodies, designed to ensure that no child is left behind in his work.

If you would like to learn more about Kids Island Nursery Dubai please feel free to visit us and talk to us personally before you make your decision.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Children In Dubai

Raising children is a career path that not only we at the Kids Island Nursery Dubai undergo but you as parents do as well, every single minute of every single day. It’s a career that has no pauses, no breaks and one that requires you to be on the ball and ahead of the game all the time. Here are some educated tips brought to you by the Kids Island Nursery Dubai to assist you in your journey towards being an exceptional parent because your little ones mean the world to us as well.

As a parent or caregiver it is important that your child knows what you stand for. Having clearly defined morals and convictions have proven to assist in raising children who are more decided in their beliefs and better behaved as opposed to those raised by individuals who keep changing their minds about rules, regulations and on what’s right and wrong.  You can do some solid and quality parenting if you can have a clear definition of the virtues you want your child to possess the most and guide them towards reaching it so that they inculcate it without the need for much prompting later on.

When raising children it’s also important that you always provide them with a reason or sufficient reasoning behind all rules, regulations and behaviors that you expect them to adapt to in order to be well behaved no matter where they are. We say this because children at a very young age are more egocentric and selfish when it comes to sharing and even being boisterous during play. As an example; you can make them understand that sharing their toys for example will help to make someone else happy too and help them learn to gain happiness from other peoples happiness as well. 

Children in Dubai come from very diverse backgrounds and raising your child to be respectful of others beliefs along with having a stronghold on their own beliefs is a form of good parenting as well. In society we come across many individuals from varying backgrounds and knowing how to co-exist, strike up a conversation or be a good person in general to them will happen more naturally if your child is raised to understand the importance of co-existence.

Listening to your children’s opinions and views even if they are wrong is also a crucial part of good parenting in Dubai. Once your child has the option to speak out then it is up to you as a parent to provide sufficient guidance for them to reach the right decision. Children in Dubai and in anywhere else in the world for that matter need to be heard so that they can grow up and evolve in to being strong adults who are believe in themselves and their capabilities. Your encouragement and guidance as a parent is a sign of good parenting in Dubai because it is you who helps shape a young one in to who they have the potential to be for now and for the rest of their lives.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Dubai Nursery

Early childhood development is greatly associated with the three crucial C’s; compassion, care and companionship. Endorsing well-rounded qualities within your little one is our priority at the Kids Island Nursery in Dubai and we make sure that all our staff is already amazing at what they do in order to ensure your little ones holistic wellbeing. Early childhood educators play an essential role in your little ones life so it is important that you as a parent are also thorough on certain skills and qualities that are required for them to be successful in the educating very young children whilst enjoying themselves thoroughly in the process.

The most important characteristic that marks all brilliant early childhood educators is; flexibility. When handling very young children it is important that the educator be sensitive to the children’s mood and have the ability to effectively change their lesson plan when required in order to meet the needs of the children. This by no means refers to endorsing bad behavior but has more to do with leniency towards your little one because age appropriate learning tactics are all about meeting your child’s specific needs. Flexibility is also a crucial characteristic that must be employed when it comes to the actual teaching process. Bending lessons in order to generate a more entertaining learning experience is always a ?must have’ characteristic for any nursery teacher in Dubai.

A good nursery teacher in Dubai must be a gentle yet firm disciplinarian. Any good teacher ensures discipline in his or her classroom. This is done using only positive techniques that are enriched with a gentle and loving approach by utilizing self-control at any given period of time no matter how detrimental the situation might be. Being calm under stormy weather s essential because being upset invokes the other children to become upset and this should never happen in a nursery under any circumstances, especially in the hands of a qualified professional. All rules are fairly and consistently implemented in order to enhance positive reinforcement so that your child will thrive not only in education but also in all other facilitated extracurricular activities as well.

When educating very young children it is important that the nursery teacher assist your little one in developing a positive self image. This is inculcated through group activities where your child will be able to exert early leadership qualities and through positive encouragement in all endeavors that your child is bound to partake in within a nursery environment. We at the Kid’s Island Nursery Dubai nourish our establishment solely through the development of your child’s skills so that they feel good about themselves and have a positive image about learning and even school.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Curriculum at Kids Island Nursery Dubai

The Kids Island Nursery curriculum is immensely popular amongst children and parents for our individualized and unique expert take that enables the child to use their cognitive skills instead of the usual rote learning pattern. We follow the simple yet effective EYFS principals (Early Years Foundation Stage) to ensure that your child has a thorough learning experience. The EYFS principals is a British curriculum technique that approaches learning through creative expression, physical and communication skills along with social development that allows children in Dubai to not only learn by us but to self-learn as well. Even though learning is considered to be nurtured in a structured environment we are strong believers of freedom of expression and will enable your child to find themselves early on in life. The main aim of the EYFS principals are to ensure that your child is unique, learns to cultivate positive relationships, enabling environments and of course learning and development.

Our basic principal at the Kids Island Nursery Dubai is to have a stimulating and enjoyable classroom experience. Some unique activities that we entertain in our curriculum are; role play where your child will learn expression in a second hand perspective thereby enhance their socio-emotional skills, junior chef which is a program that is enjoyable and also methodical in order to teach children in Dubai measurements and creation that can be used in their day to day lives and also play a part in early survival skills. Our Event Days that have appropriate and timely themes that ensure variety where your children are allowed to participate in varying events that will not only show case their talents but also help them inculcate new ones in the process. Some such activities are; friendship day, tie-dye t-shirts day and free painting day.

The Kids Island Nursery Curriculum consists of various outdoor activities that are designed to enhance team work and leadership qualities among the little ones. Teamwork or group dynamics is a feature that needs to be instilled in children at a foundation stage in order to not only help them get through school later on but also to ensure that they have healthy social relationships with individuals even as adults. Your childhood shapes who you are so ensuring that your child is in a nursery that specialize in molding them into emotionally healthy young adults are an essential growth curve in their lives. This being said we also have your child’s safety and welfare in mind so we ensure that all our outdoor play areas are only outfitted with child-safe age appropriate toys that are aimed at increasing positive stimulation. They are also completely shielded by special shades that offer UV protection to all the little ones outdoors to ensure their safety and wellbeing.

The Kids Island Nursery Dubai is therefore an ideal place for your children to be molded in to healthy young adults with our expert curriculum designed to not only integrate parents in to their child’s learning process but also to make your child a unique an independent thinker for the rest of their lives.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Early Years Learning Dubai

Learning is defined as the acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, study or practice. It begins at infancy, long before any mode of formal education and is a process that continues throughout life. Ensuring that this process is heightened and that your child is able to improve and increase his or her acquisition of learning is dependant on 50% nature and 50% nurture; nature being ones inherent characteristics and nurture being the collecting of information and stimuli from the outer environment. We at Kids Island Nursery are here to assist your child’s development in the healthiest possible manner, keeping in mind the do’s and don’ts in order to heighten your child’s educational experience by making it a fun experience for him or her to remember.

Send your child to Kids Island Nursery; one of the longest standing nurseries in Dubai and allow us to enrich your notion on learning by incorporating not only academics but enlightening your children on, group dynamic skills such as sharing, caring, looking out for one another and inculcating early leadership qualities. All this can be achieved by simple group activities that cannot be done at home but with other children their own age. The nursery includes comfortably furnished classrooms, a gym room, outdoor play areas, activity room, library and playrooms to ensure that your child has a healthy outlet for any mood.

Early years learning in Dubai is accredited mainly due to the proven positive impact that it has had on children world wide. Children mainly learn arts and crafts, imaginative play, story time, reading, puzzles, dancing, singing, simple cooking etc at a nursery. So it’s fair that some parents might wonder why their child cannot achieve these same results at home. Studies have shown that it is essential that children socialize amongst other children and this cannot happen when your child is at home. Children are born egocentric, a natural tendency innate to all human beings so for your child to corporate in society and build healthy and long lasting relationships and not experience peer rejection, he or she must learn to interact with other children. Nurseries in Dubai such as Kids Island Nursery will teach your child just that and much more.

It is during your child’s early years learning in Dubai that he or she will learn to control their temper, be polite to people, share, care, be properly potty trained and most importantly experience rapid physiological growth and development. We will outfit your child with our unique six step positive re-framing program, an educational brain gym with fun learning activities, be environmentally friendly through recycling programs, water saving devices, reduced paper consumption and earth day initiatives and of course a well balance snack box that is PBA free so that your child can be healthy within and without. We take physical development and creative development very seriously and strive to make your child a well rounded human being, ready to face the challenges of the world.

For more, visit: http://www.kidsislandnursery.com/

Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Principles Of Early Years Foundation Stage

Kindergartens and Early Year’s providers are required to follow a structure of learning, development and care for children aged from birth to five years old. This is known as the Early Years Foundation Stage and is the curriculum followed by the education providers at the Kid’s Island Nursery and has proven to enable the children to learn through a range of activities.

A child’s experience in their first few years is crucial and it is very important to set them in environments where they will learn as much as they could. According the EYFS, all children aged under five should benefit from a safe, secure and happy environment in which they can play and develop themselves rapidly. The Kid’s Island Nursery strictly adheres to this requirement thus becoming the best kindergarten dubai in which your kids can grow to become strong and smart individuals who will be able to take up their formal education with creative approaches.

EYFS can help children by developing their social skills and their capability to learn through means of high quality child care. It is a reliable set of guidelines that helps teachers and professionals give your kids the best start and foundation that they need in life. The main principle of this EYFS is to let children play so as to have fun, make friends with children of all sorts of nationalities, ethnicities, races and walks of life, and understand about the world better around them.

The most fundamental part of EYFS is that the welfare and safety of the children should be ensured at all times. Parents of the children studying at the Kid’s Island Nursery are always given the reassurance that they provide the best of nurturing for their child, the best of safety and the most age appropriate environments in which they could have a lot of fun and learn a lot by arts and crafts, drama, exercise, dance and singing and quizzes. It is also stresses on the importance of teachers and parents working very closely together so they could stay abreast on the welfare of the child and be involved deeply with the development of the child’s process at the nursery and most importantly at home as well. According the EYFS, kids are expected to develop themselves by taking their own time and not forced to learn anything beyond their will. They are placed in an atmosphere that will trigger their sense of creativity, thoughts and wisdom and will be equipped with the general knowledge and common sense to approach real life challenges in a creative and fun manner. The aim of EYFS is to help kids stay safe, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution and experience valuable outcomes such as being able to set the standards for learning, developing, enjoying and caring young children, eliminate all traces of favouration, anti-discriminatory practices and guaranteeing that all kids are treated equally and advantaged the same way, creating ways for teacher- parent partnerships so that the welfare of the child is fully assessed, improving the quality of the nursery by adhering to a set of standards and laying the solid foundation for future learning and development based on the individual needs and interests of each and every child by frequent assessments. Kid’s Island Nursery is one such rare educational institute that keeps par with the rules and regulations of EYFS and promises guaranteed results in terms of children development and learning. The commitment they show towards that goal is what makes them one of the best kindergartens in dubai.

For more, visit: http://www.kidsislandnursery.com/

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Kids Island Nursery – The Best In Town

As parents, we all want nothing but the best for our children. We can start by providing them the best of education by enrolling them in the best nursery in dubai. Surely that is a clear and wise start that will help them grow into talented and smart individuals equipped with a solid set of social skills, creative vision that will enable them to solve real life issues with a fun strategy and the love and respect for their elders, teachers and friends.

The Kid’s Island Nursery holds this reputation as being the best due to its tireless efforts to ensure that your child is happy, safe and getting the best of care at all times. The education providers here encourage learning by stimulating your child’s imagination and creativity through play, arts and crafts, drama and other fun activities. Each and every child studying at the Kids Island Nursery is in their strict supervision at all times, and are guaranteed to enjoy a unique, stimulating and educational experience that will prove to be of a key factor when learning, developing and building confidence before primary school begins. The Kids Island Nursery is a smooth and sunny introduction to real school for your kids as it sets the proper stage for the rest of his or her education. This nursery provides your child with an opportunity to learn and practice the essential social, emotional and study skills that will be needed throughout their schooling. The development of self-esteem is ensured here at the nursery. They make sure that every child feels good about who they are and has the confidence in their own abilities to tackle the challenges of learning. Cooperation is another key factor that the Kids Island Nursery shows much focus on. Your kids will be taught the ability to work, learn and get along with others, learn patience, learn the ability to take turns, listen and share. Kids are naturally known to be highly curious but most of these little ones are not aware of how to focus or use their curiosity the right way. The Kids Island Nursery makes sure that your child’s curiosity is directed towards sparking and turned into a natural love for learning, so that they will learn to be curious about everything around them as they grow. Nursery is the time for children to expand and increase their love for learning, making friendships, general knowledge and common sense and their ability to get along with everyone around them. This outstanding nursery helps them make an important transition from a little baby to a smart and strong little individual who is ready for elementary school. They encourage the growth of the children’s self-esteem, their cultural identities and their individual strengths and not one child is forced to learn something by force but encouraged with love and affection instead.

The kid’s island nursery ensures that their little students will continue to develop control of their own behaviors through the guidance and support of the warm and caring teachers who have a strong background in early childhood education and child development.

For more, visit: http://www.kidsislandnursery.com/

Friday, January 11, 2013

Benefits Of Finding The Right Nursery

Looking for a good nursery in dubai? Look no further as the Kid’s Island Nursery is the best place to enroll your little ones at. Why you may ask? Well, this is one of those rare nurseries that actually feel a genuine interest towards the development of your child. Most educational establishments of today are commercialized and run with a profit making objective that can cause many unfavorable side effects for children.
It is important to ensure that the education providers are genuine, kind-hearted, self-less and dedicated towards providing the little students with a knowledge-filled experience that is needed as a solid foundation in their primary years of life. The kid’s island nursery runs itself with a team of well – educated and kids savvy teaching experts who are specialized in working with kids and well=versed with the many ways that could be used to enhance the thinking capabilities of these growing individuals. When they are placed in a fun and exciting atmosphere, which is of course, age appropriate, kids can automatically start to think and make decisions, and take care of themselves, thus becoming strong and independent individuals as they rapidly grow up.
As a parent you will need to look for several factors when choosing a good nursery for your kid. There are several educational institutes and they all may seem conducive from the outside, but it takes a lot of research and investigation to go for the right one. it is always beneficial to place them in the care of education providers who will look after them superbly and can offer a safe, caring, nurturing and educational environment at which your little one can flourish emotionally, mentally, physically and behavior-wise as well.
Prior to the visit, it is better to arm yourself with important information such as the activities the nursery undertakes with the children, the staffing levels and the expertise available so you could narrow down your questions in readiness of the visit. That way, you will be left with more time to actually and physically go around the premises to investigate the place in detail.
It is important to understand that although recommendations for a nursery school from friends, family and colleagues can play a vital role in the entire decision making process, but it wise to not rely solely on another person’s opinion or choice. Many people can tend to label a playgroup as good or bad based on the experiences they may have had. It is important to create an opinion of each nursery by yourself and be sensible enough to relay on your own instincts before you make a proper decision. That way you be able to have peace of mind knowing that you have made the right decision, thus be able to proceed with your busy schedule or lifestyle while your child has a very good time and develops herself or himself considerably and rapidly. There are however times when they maybe right about a certain place or teacher but it is always better to be the judge of a situation as your child’s welfare is the biggest of your concerns. The kid’s Island Nursery is one such place, where you could have a peace of mind knowing that your child is placed in good hands and is growing up in an atmosphere that will result in the self-development and learn new things, make new friends and become a strong and wise little individual.
For more, visit our website Kids Island Nursery