Many parents come into the preschool in Dubai application process with trepidation, as they anticipate gruesome interviews and tests for five-year old with a long waiting list. But the truth is far simpler, and less dramatic than what parent's anticipate. As many Nurseries in UAE come with reasonable waiting lists and genuinely delightful people in control of the entire procedure and situation.
Here is a list of seven things to consider when picking a preschool for your child,
- Location - Parent will drive anywhere in Dubai just to get their children into the right school, but it’s always wise to look closer to home first. Dubai offers some really good options for nearly every schedule and commute, including some that even accessible by public transport. However the advantage of enrolling the child into a school close to home can help your child relax and enjoy the short trip to school as well as give you a stress free time.
- Values - Every Dubai Nursery comes with its own mandate and mission, no two schools are exactly the same. Preschool websites are a great place to start your research, but list your priorities first.
- Curriculum - What does the school teach, how does it work, what sort of education will your child receive and how does the child fare in kindergarten, and in school going years. There is some debate about the place of hard academics in a preschool setting in Dubai. As a parent, you have the right to ask questions and avoid any school that bases its teaching curriculum on a one size fits all approach.
- Budget - Childcare Nursery in Dubai tends to vary widely, depending on details such as the size, facility, faculty and reputation. The bottom line is it does not have to cost you a fortune to get your kids into the best preschool. Therefore, get all the details when you are looking for preschools, the more detailed you get before you start looking, the more likely you are to choose a place you can comfortably afford.
- Recommendations - No one knows better about preschools than the parents and their friends and family. Keep an eye out for great experiences and glowing recommendations as these are much more insightful and more valuable than reading online reviews or testimonials.
- Faculty - The school needs to have a stellar faculty, the facilities and the location does not add up to anything if this is not met. Preschools become what they are because of their teachers. The gentle, loving and nurturing faculty act as mentors, surrogate parents, instructors and guides for the children. Look for teachers that have a genuine interest in your child and loves your child. When it comes to preschool teaching, there is no substitute for warmth, talent and energy.
- The intangibles - Have you ever toured a school in Dubai and loved every inch of it for what it says on paper but come away feeling less enthusiastic and disappointed. Well the final decision of entrusting your children to someone’s care must come down to your comfort level.
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