There are instances when a parent is called by the child's Preschool in Dubai about their inappropriate behavior. This could be when a child is being disruptive for the day and talking out of turn, or it could be a series of bullying incidents involving peers. When this occurs, a parent might wonder how to deal with this sort of behavior and how to address this matter with the school . It's a challenge and resorting to punishment too quickly can be damaging, so here are some important information to keep in mind when addressing the situation.
- The child may be showing that they cannot follow direction, and to a parent this looks like stubbornness.
- Never shout at the child, instead talk to the child and find out what is going on, the reason behind their behavior.
- Children may just want to act out or miss behave to get the attention of the parent, therefore, ask the child what is wrong instead of asking them why they act that way.
- If the child is vying for attention all the time, it's best to let them sit it through, so parents should simply ignore their unnecessary whining until it stops.
- Parents and educators at the Nursery in Umm Suqeim should model good behavior for a child. For instance, a child taking apart a toy or any other item is not a way to annoy you or the teacher, but they are acting on impulse to satisfy their natural curiosity. Usually this is common in children until they reach kindergarten age.
- Time outs and other type of punishment should be done when a child is behaving in a manner that is not safe for himself or others around him. Children who are punished or given time outs may not always understand what they did wrong, they know they are being punished but they don't know how they should behave.
- Don't stigmatize the child or label the child. Treating a child like they are bad can inevitably lead to a similar predicament, whether a parent likes it or not. Therefore, don't label the child, but instead, start by validating the child’s feelings and modelling good behavior before discipline. No matter how the child behaves, always be consistent with the approach you adopt as a parent.
- If a time out is absolutely necessary choose a place that is not frightening for the child, after giving them several warnings. Parents should be calm at this point and not lose their cool.
Educators in the Nursery Schools in Dubai warn parents that their child's behavior cannot be changed or fixed instantly or overnight. It takes time and patience to change a child's behavior and this can be gradual. Until the child starts behaving well in the Dubai Nursery reward the child in minor ways when they behave appropriately.
Sometime, children may have so many issues, therefore experts advise that parents should deal with one issue at a time, with physical behavior addressed first.
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