As a parent , you would have gone bananas for Preschool in Dubai for your only child. You would have invested in a complete makeover for the child's room with an area to study and incorporate all they would learn in preschool like the sensory toys, the puzzles, small pitchers full of split peas on another and practiced the art of giving a lesson, so that you can step back and wait for the magic of preschool to happen and turn your little tantrum thrower into a child who sits and concentrates for long periods of time, dutifully refining his fine motor skills.
But sadly this is not what happens with your little learner, the trays were played with briefly and then left on the shelf to collect dust, or refused to do the work correctly and the split peas scattered everywhere. Your initial enthusiasm of incorporating the system of Early Years Education in Dubai in your child dwindles, and now you may get the slightest bit irritated by those pretty pictures of children calmly attending to and exhibiting intense interest in working on a tray.
Since your child has lost all interest in what you have carefully designed, you’re left wondering if preschool just doesn’t work for your child. Believe it or not, this preschool in the home scenario is very common, but just because you have all the age appropriate tools and a home full of preschool activities it does not mean that the child will want to engage in it.
Here are some tips to help your child want to have the same enthusiasm that children at the Kindergarten in Dubai, has about learning,
Observe the child - If your child is not doing the activities on the shelf, what is it that the child is doing. Make a list of what you see. It is possible that your child is in a sensitive period for a completely different type of work than what you offer. The best thing to do is get to know your child and then plan the activities to meet their needs and interests. Design the work that will appeal to and enrich the life of your child.
Repeat the same work, but change them a little - For instance, instead of using pom-poms in two bowls with tongs, trade them out for cotton balls. Make the lime squeezing work a lemon squeezing work. Remove the green colored bowls and substitute with red ones. Sometimes small changes like this will work wonders to renew the child’s interest. Make these simple changes and leave it to the child to discover.
Give it some time - There are flaws in rotating the work too often and if they are traded out too soon, the child may never get the chance to come back to them and enjoy them the way the child wanted to. It's best for teachers and parents to leave the same work out long past the point when the children seem done with them explains an educator of the EYFS Dubai method . This is because children are drawn to the new, bright and shiny and focus for short amounts of time only to move onto the next bright and shiny thing. When new work or toys arrive often, children learn to expect their arrival, and they will wait for them. Given enough time, most children return to familiar activities, remember the lessons, and engage without being shy.
Ask for help - If it's not all working out the way you want to make sure to ask for help.