Monday, November 4, 2013

Nurseries and Preschools Dubai

Nurseries and preschools, although may not seem important, is able to give your child the right foundational environment before they attend kindergarten and elementary school. Kids Island Nursery is founded on the idea that children require stimulation and activity in order to grow and develop, preparing them academically and socially for school itself.

What is the difference between a normal school and a nursery school?

Nursery is in fact a structured methodology that allows children the freedom to learn and develop at their own pace. Nursery focuses less on academic curriculums and more on practical structured play. Kindergarten will focus on theoretical learning and putting pen to paper. This will entail alphabets, numbers, colours, shapes, and basic life sciences. The main difference between a kindergarten and nursery school, is that children do not face exams or tests in nursery level, while kindergarten systems do carry some kind of grading system.

Why should I rush my child in to learning when she is still so young?

Children who attend a nursery school in Dubai are more confident in their learning objectives than those who don’t when they begin kindergarten. They are more aware of the expectations and are much more familiar with the academic theory of kindergarten. Nursery schools do not follow a curriculum, but expose your child’s mind to the existence of letters and numbers, while introducing life sciences and concepts in a relaxed and casual manner. A nursery’s main focus is to train, your child to be independent, and social, while helping them progress mentally, physically and emotionally.

I am worried I am forcing my child to grow up too fast?

This is a concern that is quite justified and is probably fuelled by advice from family and friends. A good Dubai preschool that follows the Early Years Foundation Stage will allow your child plenty of time to play and have fun, while learning. A good foundation is to ensure that your son or daughter does not feel obligated with expectation, but appreciated for their enthusiasm. A good nursery school will combine academic theory with plenty of fun activities that your child will enjoy.

What do I look for in a good Dubai preschool?

As new parents, you may feel overwhelmed with information and advice from family and friends when looking for a preschool for your child. School shopping is a hard decision and with all the different requirements, you are forced to think about, it is difficult to decide on one school. Our best advice for choosing a preschool for your son to attend would be to let your child have the final say. If your child feels comfortable and safe in a school he visits, you will know that you have found the right school. It is important that your child is happy to attend the pre-school, where he feels the teachers are friendly and open, meets children that could potentially become his friends, and an environment he is eager to discover.

Kids Island Nursery focuses on meeting your concerns for your child, as well as your child’s expectations. Feel free to visit us along with your child and see for yourself if we meet yours and your child’s needs.

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