Friday, October 24, 2014

Dealing With Children From Dubai Nursery Schools

Children attending Preschool in Dubai may sail through the day at school, but once they get home, they may tend to be disruptive, uncooperative and almost impossible to be in the same room with. As a parent, you may wonder what is going on, however, educators and child psychologists say this phrase is perfectly normal. A youngster who had worked all day at school doing their best to concentrate, pay attention, follow instructions, learn new things, learn to get along with peers, listen to the teacher and participate in various activities may simply be tired and 'burned-out' when they get home.
Here are some helpful tips put forward by educators  of the Dubai Nursery Schools and development experts about how to ease a child back into their home routine,
  • Try not to strike up much of a conversation. Eventhough, your child goes to school, they are still small and their verbal skills are limited and they may still not be able to explain to you what their day was like at school and how they feel about things or what happened in school. They may just not be ready and may not even know the difference between school and home. So stick to a simple 'hope you had a nice day' or 'looks like you had a fun day'. You may not get much of an answer, but they might simply nod their heads. 
  • Be kind and tolerant. Young children are still in the process of taking big developmental steps in their little lives and they are on the verge of learning new skills, such as reading, writing and identifying letters and numbers, so they may often seem very angry and moody while they work things out in their brain. So be patient with them and encourage them, there is bound to be good days too, that they are very happy and chirpy. 
  • Give them a healthy snack when they get home. Don't try to give your child sugar based treats after school and boost their energy as it can lead to irritability. Instead, set out some carrot sticks with hummus or corn chips with salsa or pieces of fruit with yogurt. Make sure to give them fruits and vegetables they like. 
  • Encourage them to get some rest. Picking children up from the Nursery in Umm Suqeim means there is endless traffic to wade through until you get home, so avoid detouring to the mall, grocery shopping or going shopping, you're asking for trouble in the form of a disastrous meltdown, so take the child home directly and put them down for a short nap or rest before taking them out again, whether it's for extracurricular activities or a kid's 
  • Spend time outside. Give your little one a breath of fresh air and plenty of exercise as this can reduce a lot of stress and also boost their academic performance as well. So take your child to the park or to the beach at sunset or simply let them play with friends in the backyard. 
  • Stick to a regular routine. Preschool and kindergarten are all about learning rules.
If your child seems extremely irritable and does not calm down, talk to the child's teacher about what may be bothering the child and if there was an incident at the Nursery in Dubai that upset the child.

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