Monday, October 20, 2014

Preschool in Dubai as a model for Higher Education

There are many who claim that  Dubai Nursery Schools  are more like day care than elementary schools, but those who work with creative and unique little minds know better. The educators are sometimes the secret behind a child's success. The lesson they teach and the patience they preach has  proven far more predictive of future success than any grade or degree.
Research and studies that have watched preschool teachers do what they do have concluded that the world that preschoolers enjoy is well guided by the best people in the business. They change the arc of children's lives and can teach an adult a thing or two as well.
However, teachers at the, kindergarten in Dubai are modest and oblivious to their skills, attempts and the time they spend in their capacity as a teacher. They never take credit for what they do for the children, but always give credit to the children whose natural inclination is to explore, engage and gulp up every last thing they find fascinating and interesting. Every teacher enjoys this and is delighted during these teachable moments, the time you see them as shining jewels, because for many children in their early years they are very rare and special, like a meteor shower.
Foundation Stage Nursery in Dubai often bears witness to these moments like in the metaphor of a meteor shower, where heat and light that can blaze through the classroom in a sudden loud display. These are the moments that make up a good teacher and one that the children will never forget, even when they go on to start school. How many of us can remember those meteor's in our lives in preschool and look back on such a gem and a hero.
So what makes these preschool teachers so special as opposed to educators in school years. Well the preschool teachers, harness all the energy and excitement from within and without the classroom to help turn the child's passion into a project, which turn out to be building blocks of personhood later in life. A good teacher is on the prowl for lessons that teach and reach the mind and the heart. So feel thankful to have found a preschool in Dubai that develops and teaches more than just an average kindergartener but builds a great adult as well.
A good preschool principal should honor and recognize teachers and educators that just stick to the norm. Appreciate those who think beyond the box and gratify and respect a brilliant teacher who will prepare a child to succeed in their higher education and face the future.
From a parent's perspective, it's a joy and a privilege to have such teachers mentor and guide your little children's minds. This is often the building block and foundation your child needs to be successful and a high achiever in the future, therefore, never short change your child's teacher instead respect them and applaud  them for the calling they are fulfilling and transforming and shaping your child into a future leader not a follower.

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