Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Encouraging Child Directed Play

In recent times it can be seen that there is an aggressive marketing campaign on early learning products and a large focus on standardized testing, that have honed in on this very valuable time of development in a child’s life explains an educator at the school of Early Years Education in Dubai.
However, this appreciation for child-directed play has never been stronger, and there could be no better news for children or for their parents. There are many benefits of child-directed play  and for parents to quietly observe their children playing is a fulfilling and magical experience.
Learning to be a responsive play observing parent  takes time, practice, restraint and patience, but once the parent understand this, they learn and appreciate delightful moments of joy, humor and surprise than they ever thought possible. Most parent's need these parenting 'bonus points' to balance the more difficult moments and break up the monotony. This can make a parent feel fulfilled and also encourage their children to exercise, enjoy their independent play skills.
Some of the essentials for nurturing child-directed play explained by the Children’s Nursery in Dubai is safe, enclosed spaces and open ended objects, equipment and toys that encourage creativity, discovery and extensive exploration.
Here are is a list of play objects that are just as inspiring and challenging, durable, mouthable, don’t poke eyes, can be safely used without a parent's constant supervision.
The best toys
  • All children love balls and hands down it's the best type of toy for a child of every age. Balls of all sizes, weights and textures are easy to grasp, roll and toss, even for the tiniest of hands.  Balls encourage movement and play for children of ages and are perfect for solo or group play. 
  • Another great play object includes, stainless steel cupsand bowls. They’re cool and smooth, and makes loud and interesting sounds, can be stacked, reflect light and is a durable toy. Screw on containers with lids are also a great toy for children and is widely used in most Nursery Schools in Dubai. 
  • Climbers are rockers too are great for toddler who love to explore. However, despite most toys being child safe, parents should take safety precautions as well with all equipment. For instance with play equipment that requires climbing, there should be a should always be a mat, rug or other soft surface underneath, so that even if the child falls, the impact is less. Also, if the child is too tired to play with the equipment remove the child from the equipment. Helping children with motor activities hinders their safety, because it gives them a false impression that they are able to jump, roll or step off of equipment independently. For instance, if you're going down the stairs, make sure not to hold their hands to help them down the steps. Young children are impressionable and develop habits with astonishing speed. 
  • To stretch your child's creativity and imagination practice the less is more concept. Scraps of fabric can be all children need to create costumes and fantasy play. 
  • Attentive observers. Often child-directed play flourishes when parents are there to observe and remain watching as much as possible.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Tips To Calming Tantrums and Meltdowns

The teacher's at the Dubai Nursery Schools explain that life with toddlers are filled with laughter and giggles in one instance and has tears and tantrums in the next. And for adults seeing the world from their point of view may give a better understanding of why, they have a meltdown and make you think of ways to prevent tantrums.
Why do toddlers have meltdowns and tantrums?
Life and its many events and experiences can be difficult for toddlers to take it all in, and certain events that happen can make them feel sad, angry, and scare them so much that they have an emotional meltdown where they are completely overwhelmed by their feelings.
Here are some of the reasons toddlers have meltdowns at home and at Nurseries in Dubai
  • They want to have something that is not allowed or something they cannot have or is not allowed to have and is angry that they can't have it.
  • They want something that’s not possible, and can’t understand when you explain that they can't have it.
  • Lack of control and choices, about what the child wants to do and where they go.
  • They want to be able to do something, but they can't do it.
  • They can't say what they want in words.
  • Being away from the family setting, at home can be difficult and hard. 
On a day where the child is rested and is calm, they may be able to handle any of these things. But when a child is tired, hungry, sick, cold, hot, or over stimulated, even the slightest thing can make them feel upset and irritated, which can result in a tantrum or meltdown. Sometimes,  parent's may not notice these early cues.
Even if you were the perfect parent or the most understanding teacher, and have done almost everything right, there are still times that the child would still throw tantrums and have a meltdown. Here are some tips provided by the Nursery Schools in Dubai about ways that a tantrum or a meltdown can be avoided or reduced,
  • Meet the child's needs. For instance, make sure they are fed, rested and comfortable.
  • Know how much stimulation the child can handle. Children often have a limit they can handle until they feel overloaded. For instance, there are children who are sensitive to noise, bright lights and places where there are too many people. So when you plan a child's activities at home, think about how much they can manage.
  • Minimize on things that upset the child. Most Nurseries in Dubai identify these and make sure some of the activities are not included in the curriculum, and make sure the child has an enjoyable day and not one that they feel overloaded.
  • If you included difficult tasks make sure to coach the child on how things are done so that the child will not feel overwhelmed with the task. This is also better adapted at home as well.
  • Talk to the child and tell them the behavior you expect from them. Tell them what to expect if they don't behave well. And if they do behave well reward them.
  • Give the child a choice, when it's possible.

Monday, December 8, 2014

How To Identify A Gifted Child

Whether you're a trained academic, a counselor, school principal or a teacher at the Kindergarten in Dubai, your job involves identifying potentially gifted students, especially from a young age. It is the responsibility of educators to identify, screen  and test students for the gifted program.
So what should educators look for when trying to identify gifted children?, Well each school and country may have a different criteria and guidelines, that should be followed. Here are some helpful characteristic that would help an educator identify a gifted child. 
  • Extensive vocabulary or extremely verbal - Most gifted children like to talk a lot. They love to share their knowledge with other children or adults. They are highly verbal, and may possess an advanced vocabulary for their age. When talking to children who are gifted, educators should pay attention to not only how much they talk, but also to the vocabulary the child is using, in daily conversations.
  • Curiosity - You may be able to identify the child who always raises their hand up every time you ask questions. Gifted children have a natural curiosity and will ask a lot of questions. They will show a lot of curiosity about everything. They will want to know what the teacher is doing something and how things will work. Look for these children who ask a lot of questions explains educators at Kids Nurseries in Dubai.
  • Demonstrate advanced ability in certain areas - Giftedness can sometimes be found when a child demonstrates an advanced ability in certain areas such as reading, math, writing, science or art. If there is a child who consistently finishes lessons before the rest of the class and shows, this could be a gifted child.
  • Get's easily bored and needs stimulation - If a child is completing lessons in his or her Early Years Education Dubai class, then perhaps the child is not feeling academically challenged and may become restless and bored. Children who are gifted, and complete work faster than others may ask questions, look for other activities, talk to classmates.
  • Defiant and disruptive- Gifted children are not total saints or angels, they too can be disruptive in a class, especially those of a very young age says an educator at the Nurseries in Dubai. In fact, these children can be much more disruptive and rebellious depending on the level of challenge or interest they have in the classroom environment. Look for children who stand out from the rest, they could be that gifted student.
  • Perfectionists - Gifted children are perfectionists. These are the children who are always pushing themselves to get A grades, excel in singing, band, karate, and sports and become team or house leaders.
  • Independence - Most gifted children do their work alone in the classroom and they tend to enjoy independent projects. They feel limited when they work in a group and work much faster and better on their own.
  • Hang around together - Gifted children often hang around with each other. They relate to other children who share in their intellectual level.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Dealing With Inappropriate Behavior in Preschoolers in Dubai

There are instances when a parent is called by the child's Preschool in Dubai about their inappropriate behavior. This could be when a child is being disruptive for the day and talking out of turn, or it could be a series of bullying incidents involving peers. When this occurs, a parent might wonder how to deal with this sort of behavior and how to address this matter with the school . It's a challenge and resorting to punishment too quickly can be damaging, so here are some important information to keep in mind when addressing the situation. 
  • The child may be showing that they cannot follow direction, and to a parent this looks like stubbornness.
  • Never shout at the child, instead talk to the child and find out what is going on, the reason behind their behavior.
  • Children may just want to act out or miss behave to get the attention of the parent, therefore, ask the child what is wrong instead of asking them why they act that way.
  • If the child is vying for attention all the time, it's best to let them sit it through, so parents should simply ignore their unnecessary whining until it stops.
  • Parents and educators at the Nursery in Umm Suqeim should model good behavior for a child. For instance, a child taking apart a toy or any other item is not a way to annoy you or the teacher, but they are acting on impulse to satisfy their natural curiosity. Usually this is common in children until they reach kindergarten age.
  • Time outs and other type of punishment should be done when a child is behaving in a manner that is not safe for himself or others around him. Children who are punished or given time outs may not always understand what they did wrong, they know they are being punished but they don't know how they should behave.
  • Don't stigmatize the child or label the child. Treating a child like they are bad can inevitably lead to a similar predicament, whether a parent likes it or not. Therefore, don't label the child, but instead, start by validating the child’s feelings and modelling good behavior before discipline. No matter how the child behaves, always be consistent with the approach you adopt as a parent.
  • If a time out is absolutely necessary choose a place that is not frightening for the child, after giving them several warnings. Parents should be calm at this point and not lose their cool. 
Educators in the Nursery Schools in Dubai warn parents that their child's behavior cannot be changed or fixed instantly or overnight. It takes time and patience to change a child's behavior and this can be gradual. Until the child starts behaving well in the  Dubai Nursery reward the child in minor ways when they behave appropriately. 
Sometime, children may have so many issues, therefore experts advise that parents should deal with one issue at a time, with physical behavior addressed first.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Teaching Your Preschooler in Dubai Chores at Home

Teaching  a child attending Preschool in Dubai to  help out with chores around the home can take some stress off your shoulders and give you more time to spend together as a family as well as teach your child the importance of being independent as well. Also, making a child do chores around the home will teach them important life skills, such as teamwork and cooperation. 

When parent's allocate chores  it is important to set clear and consistent expectations. For example, don't expect the child to complete the job the way you would or do you expect them to do their best. It's important to be consistent and have realistic expectations. 

Educators at Kids Nurseries in Dubai expect parents to allow their child's input into  which chores he or she would like to perform. Give them options and allow them to choose what they would like to do. However, the child may also be assigned some tasks that he or she doesn’t like, make sure to rotate these chores among other children, if parents have more than one child. 

Assign tasks that are age appropriate. Even in Dubai Nursery Schools, children are assigned tasks that are age appropriate and rarely are not given tasks that are inappropriate or difficult to perform. For instance, 3-4 year olds can clean up the play area and put away their toys and 5 -6 years olds can clean their rooms by emptying the dustbins, washing plastic dishes and making the bed. A 7-8 year old can fold and put away their laundry, sweep the floor and set the table for a meal. Children who are older than 9years can usually wash the dishes or wash the windows. The most important trait is to make sure the child grasps the idea of pitching in and working as a team. Children should be responsible for chores that directly benefit them, such as cleaning their own rooms. 

Since your child is still learning it will take time to get the job done properly, therefore, give your child the opportunity to take their time and learn. 

Choose a good time for the child to attend to the chores. Don't make the child do chores as soon as they come home from  school, give them time to rest and relax. Some experts at the Nurseries in Dubai suggest setting aside a time when the whole family does chores together. 

Use a chart, like teachers at the Dubai Nursery Schools use in their classroom for each activity. This will help to organize, promote language skills and develop math skills. Make sure all children know that they are expected to help out at home. 

Make chores a fun task by incorporating play, music, and singing. The chances are if a child enjoys their chores, they will do them well and take on more responsibility. Make sure to praise the child for a job well done as the child needs to be motivated through praise. With younger children use a reward system.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Children’s Nursery Dubai vs. Homeschool

Are you considering a Children’s Nursery Dubai vs. homeschooling your child, there are advantages and disadvantages to both. How does a parent decide which is the best option for their child. Despite looking at the pros and cons of both, there is no correct solution and a decision will have to made by the respective parent, as one child may thrive in the preschool environment while for others this sort of environment may be intimidating and very scary. 
Every Nursery in Dubai and homeschool differ, based on the resources, staff and funding. 
Here are some of the advantages of sending a child to a nursery, 
For a child who responds well to peers, instructions from adults and does not need constant supervision and attention a Children's nursery will be a good fit. The child will have many opportunities to interact with other children, will be able to learn things from each of these interactions and could also be encouraged to learn by competing with other children.  
Another advantage of Kindergarten in Dubai is that a child often has the opportunity to help other children. Children learn to recognize situations in which they can help and learns to be a leader and teacher, by helping classmates and other students by problem solving. 
Nursery schools also have trained professionals that are directly involved in the child’s education. Teachers are often trained to look for and recognize learning disabilities or children who are gifted at the early stages so that the school can have special programs to help accommodate this sort of children, whereas a child that is being home schooled may have a disability that is overlooked or may not have access to the knowledge, resources, or equipment needed to help the child with his special needs. Parents may not pick up any learning disabilities until it's too late, as they are inexperienced as well. 
 Another proof Nurseries in UAE is that compared to homeschool, they have the professional resources like counselling, free meals and special educational trips. A child who is being homeschooled may not have access to these benefits. 
Some of the benefits of homeschooling a child, 
A child who is timid and does not do well in a group setting, may come shy and get lost in the  crowd. The child may be scared to ask for help if he does not understand an assignment or lack of communication between teachers may not make it clear that the child  is struggling in a particular area. Some children may also be intimidated by other children and will not make an effort to try something they like just because they are worried about what others will think of them. For these children the best learning environment is for them to be in the comfort of their own home with one on one instruction and no comparison to other children. This can make a world of difference in how well he learns and performs as well.   
Homeschooling can be a very positive and rewarding experience, but it takes a lot of time and dedication. 

Monday, October 27, 2014

The Importance of Childcare Nursery in Dubai

Day Care in Dubai is generally a good  option for working parents,  who need their children to be taken care of during the day. Most day care centres accommodate babies as well as toddlers and are full-time and  full-year programs. Preschool features an early childhood educational curriculum for 3 to 4 year olds. They all offer a part-time schedule for little ones often with a few hours a day for three or five days of the week along with the options of full-day care. Childcare Nursery in Dubai is flexible with the hours, features,  highly experienced teachers and stimulating activities for the kids, similar to that of a preschool.  
There is increasing evidence that youngsters learn a lot from attending Preschool, as  the children are exposed to numbers, letter, shapes and other stimulating activities that is important for their development. They also learn social skills, getting along with peers, sharing, taking turns and contributing. Reports show that a majority of children attend at least one year of preschool. In fact, educators have stressed the importance of giving children a good foundation in early learning.
In addition to building and strengthening socialization skills such as compromise, respecting others, problems solving and sharing, children also learn to identify themselves and get an identity, explore, play and get along with peers, build confidence and gain independence. You may find your toddler wanting to do their own things and certain small tasks at home like pouring water or sweeping.
It has been proven that children learn and remember things they are taught, if there is physical interaction, for instance, they may not remember the alphabet they are taught in the class but they may remember the alphabet song at the music lesson. For small children in Preschool in Dubai, school is all about having fun and learning new things not achieving academic milestones. It does not matter if your child can't read at 4, it's all about fostering and nurturing their creativity and helping them to grow along the way.
The ideal age for children to attend preschool is between 3 - 5 years, but most of them start at 4 years. Some schools enroll children from 2 1/2 years, but it does not mean that your child will be incompetent if they start school at the age of 3 or 4 years. Most parent's choice of sending the child to preschool depends on their career and family situation.
In order to find the best Children’s Nursery in Dubai, parents should conduct plenty of research. Make a check list and prioritize, based on location, price, reputation, facilities, day care options and the timings. It's easy to shortlist a few potential schools and visit them prior to making your final choice. At the visit, check for factors such as hygiene, safety, children-teacher ratio, age appropriate toys and equipment and if the school has a calm, fun and friendly atmosphere.  
If you're comfortable with  the school and if it satisfies all your expectations, then it's likely that you have found the best place for your child to begin their academic journey.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Dealing With Children From Dubai Nursery Schools

Children attending Preschool in Dubai may sail through the day at school, but once they get home, they may tend to be disruptive, uncooperative and almost impossible to be in the same room with. As a parent, you may wonder what is going on, however, educators and child psychologists say this phrase is perfectly normal. A youngster who had worked all day at school doing their best to concentrate, pay attention, follow instructions, learn new things, learn to get along with peers, listen to the teacher and participate in various activities may simply be tired and 'burned-out' when they get home.
Here are some helpful tips put forward by educators  of the Dubai Nursery Schools and development experts about how to ease a child back into their home routine,
  • Try not to strike up much of a conversation. Eventhough, your child goes to school, they are still small and their verbal skills are limited and they may still not be able to explain to you what their day was like at school and how they feel about things or what happened in school. They may just not be ready and may not even know the difference between school and home. So stick to a simple 'hope you had a nice day' or 'looks like you had a fun day'. You may not get much of an answer, but they might simply nod their heads. 
  • Be kind and tolerant. Young children are still in the process of taking big developmental steps in their little lives and they are on the verge of learning new skills, such as reading, writing and identifying letters and numbers, so they may often seem very angry and moody while they work things out in their brain. So be patient with them and encourage them, there is bound to be good days too, that they are very happy and chirpy. 
  • Give them a healthy snack when they get home. Don't try to give your child sugar based treats after school and boost their energy as it can lead to irritability. Instead, set out some carrot sticks with hummus or corn chips with salsa or pieces of fruit with yogurt. Make sure to give them fruits and vegetables they like. 
  • Encourage them to get some rest. Picking children up from the Nursery in Umm Suqeim means there is endless traffic to wade through until you get home, so avoid detouring to the mall, grocery shopping or going shopping, you're asking for trouble in the form of a disastrous meltdown, so take the child home directly and put them down for a short nap or rest before taking them out again, whether it's for extracurricular activities or a kid's 
  • Spend time outside. Give your little one a breath of fresh air and plenty of exercise as this can reduce a lot of stress and also boost their academic performance as well. So take your child to the park or to the beach at sunset or simply let them play with friends in the backyard. 
  • Stick to a regular routine. Preschool and kindergarten are all about learning rules.
If your child seems extremely irritable and does not calm down, talk to the child's teacher about what may be bothering the child and if there was an incident at the Nursery in Dubai that upset the child.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Preschool in Dubai as a model for Higher Education

There are many who claim that  Dubai Nursery Schools  are more like day care than elementary schools, but those who work with creative and unique little minds know better. The educators are sometimes the secret behind a child's success. The lesson they teach and the patience they preach has  proven far more predictive of future success than any grade or degree.
Research and studies that have watched preschool teachers do what they do have concluded that the world that preschoolers enjoy is well guided by the best people in the business. They change the arc of children's lives and can teach an adult a thing or two as well.
However, teachers at the, kindergarten in Dubai are modest and oblivious to their skills, attempts and the time they spend in their capacity as a teacher. They never take credit for what they do for the children, but always give credit to the children whose natural inclination is to explore, engage and gulp up every last thing they find fascinating and interesting. Every teacher enjoys this and is delighted during these teachable moments, the time you see them as shining jewels, because for many children in their early years they are very rare and special, like a meteor shower.
Foundation Stage Nursery in Dubai often bears witness to these moments like in the metaphor of a meteor shower, where heat and light that can blaze through the classroom in a sudden loud display. These are the moments that make up a good teacher and one that the children will never forget, even when they go on to start school. How many of us can remember those meteor's in our lives in preschool and look back on such a gem and a hero.
So what makes these preschool teachers so special as opposed to educators in school years. Well the preschool teachers, harness all the energy and excitement from within and without the classroom to help turn the child's passion into a project, which turn out to be building blocks of personhood later in life. A good teacher is on the prowl for lessons that teach and reach the mind and the heart. So feel thankful to have found a preschool in Dubai that develops and teaches more than just an average kindergartener but builds a great adult as well.
A good preschool principal should honor and recognize teachers and educators that just stick to the norm. Appreciate those who think beyond the box and gratify and respect a brilliant teacher who will prepare a child to succeed in their higher education and face the future.
From a parent's perspective, it's a joy and a privilege to have such teachers mentor and guide your little children's minds. This is often the building block and foundation your child needs to be successful and a high achiever in the future, therefore, never short change your child's teacher instead respect them and applaud  them for the calling they are fulfilling and transforming and shaping your child into a future leader not a follower.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

How to Choose the Preschool in Dubai

Many parents come into the preschool in Dubai application process with trepidation, as they anticipate gruesome interviews and tests for five-year old with a long waiting list. But the truth is far simpler, and less dramatic than what parent's anticipate. As many  Nurseries in UAE come with reasonable waiting lists and genuinely delightful people in control of the entire procedure and situation.
Here is a  list of seven things to consider when picking a preschool for your child,
  • Location - Parent will drive anywhere in Dubai just to get their children into the right school, but it’s always wise to look closer to home first. Dubai offers some really good options for nearly every schedule and commute, including some that even accessible by public transport. However the advantage of enrolling the child into a school close to home can help your child relax and enjoy the short trip to school as well as give you a stress free time. 
  • Values - Every Dubai Nursery comes with its own mandate and mission, no two schools are exactly the same. Preschool websites are a great place to start your research, but list your priorities first. 
  • Curriculum - What does the school teach, how does it work, what sort of education will your child receive and how does the child fare in kindergarten, and in school going years. There is some debate about the place of hard academics in a preschool setting in Dubai. As a parent, you have the right to ask questions and avoid any school that bases its teaching curriculum on a one size fits all approach. 
  • Budget - Childcare Nursery in Dubai tends to vary widely, depending on details such as the size, facility, faculty and reputation. The bottom line is it does not have to cost you a fortune to get your kids into the best preschool. Therefore, get all the details when you are looking for preschools,  the more detailed you get before you start looking, the more likely you are to choose a place you can comfortably afford. 
  • Recommendations - No one knows better about preschools than the parents and their friends and family. Keep an eye out for great experiences and glowing recommendations as these are much more insightful and more valuable than reading online reviews or testimonials. 
  • Faculty - The school needs to have a stellar faculty, the facilities and the location does not add up to anything if this is not met. Preschools become what they are because of their teachers. The gentle, loving and nurturing faculty act as mentors, surrogate parents, instructors and guides for the children. Look for teachers that have a genuine interest in your child and loves your child.  When it comes to preschool teaching, there is no substitute for warmth, talent and energy.
  • The intangibles - Have you ever toured a school in Dubai and loved every inch of it for what it says on paper but come away feeling less enthusiastic and disappointed. Well the final decision of entrusting your children to someone’s care must come down to your comfort level.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Music can benefit child development in Dubai Nursery Schools

Dubai Nursery Schools explain that music plays a vital part in a child's development. It affects their, academic skills, social skills and their brain development.
Children hear music everywhere, on television, in advertisements, radio, people singing in the street and at Children’s Nursery Dubai. Music can reflect a child's mood, for example, when the child is happy he will listen to fast and upbeat music. So how does music help children in terms of brain development. Well from the time the child is a baby they start responding to music and rhythms, they liked to be rocked and like to listen to soothing music on their mobile when sleeping in their cots. Children respond to music at a very young age, they clap to songs and cry to songs they don't like.
Here is a look at how music affects different aspects of child development.
  • Academic skills - Music contributes to your child’s early reading and writing skills. Listening to songs gives them phonological processing skills and will help them recognize words and sounds. Learning the words to their favorite songs will also improve their reading skills, and let them enjoy it while having a lot of fun.
Music also helps children to learn their math skills as well. It does not help them with the actual mathematical process, but it can help with learning numbers and solutions to mathematical principles. These sorts of rhythms are often used in the best  Nursery in Dubai, and helps children to remember numbers as well.
Music is also a great way for children to improve their speech and giving them the confidence they need to sing along to their favorite songs and nursery rhymes will really improve their confidence, especially to speak out loud and project their voice.  
Social Skills - Music is a great way for children to bond, especially when they make a song and play music together. There are a lot of musical instruments at the best Nursery in Dubai, so that children can experiment with sounds together. It’s a wonderful way for children to make friends, communicate and learn how to contribute and share. 
When children learn about different types of music they are learning about the diverse cultures in society. Children often like music that they have grown up listening to, so try and vary their range of music around the home as well. In general, music is an effective way for children to learn to communicate. 
In order to make sure that music affects a child’s brain development, practice the following,
  • Be active with music - Make sure to have children respond to the music than just simply listening to it. Make sure they are listening to music around the home while they are playing and ask them to participate in dancing to the music and sing the words they know. This improves a child's movement, memory and co-ordination skills as well.
  • Music in the home - Listen to music with actions. Teach them what movement goes with the corresponding word or lyric. Music is an excellent way of improving your child’s concentration and attention span, When they listen to their favorite songs over and over they will learn to the words as well which enhances their memory which is good for brain development.
Music lessons - Research show that the younger the child starts music lessons, the greater the connection between the brain as they learn to play a musical instrument and coordination between the hands, eyes and ears says an educator at the Early Years Nursery in Dubai.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Parental involvement in a Child's Education

A parent's involvement and engagement in early childhood education is important , says a popular Childcare Nursery in Dubai.
Research shows that when children have parents involved in their education, the results are very positive, especially in the long run. Nurseries in Dubai have put forward the following  benefits of preschool children having involved and engaged parents,
  • Higher level of attendance
  • High grades and better test scores
  • Demonstrate good social skills
  • Good behavior and polite
  • Presents themselves well and are neat and tidy in their work
  • Adapt well to the school environment
  • Shows a lot of interest and involvement in the class work
  • Keen to take on tasks
  • Happy and enjoys work
  • Willingness to help other children
However, not all parents get involved in their children's education as actively as they should. Therefore, teachers at the Dubai Nursery encourage parents to be involved and engaged  through the following,
  • Educate parents that they need to be involved in their children’s learning so they can perform better
  • Create programs that will help families support and guide their children’s learning
  • Introduce techniques and methods that involve parent engagement
  • Build a trusting and respectful relationship between the parent and school
  • Establish ways for teachers and parents to be in constant communication
  • Encourage parents to observe the classroom in session and ask a parent to volunteer in activities such as reading a story or lunch helper.
  • Involve parents in parent-teacher organizations, fund-raising committees and community networking organizations.
Parent involvement in a child's preschool years should not only be limited to picking them up and dropping them off at school. A parent should be encouraged to play an active role in their children's education as it can benefit the child to do well in later years.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Peer pressure and Social skills

Parents in Dubai send their children to a  Children’s Nursery Dubai, hoping they will make good friends and build on their social skills and learn to communicate with each other in a cordial manner. Instead, what do you do when your child comes home with a new found attitude and new behaviour which is rude, defiant and aggressive. Spending lots of time with peers doesn’t seem to have improved social skills or good behaviour,  but made it worse.
Children like to feel that they belong, especially in Nursery Schools in Dubai and inorder to do this they will engage in certain behavioural patterns to fit in among their peers. They try to adapt themselves to the same behaviour shown by their peers. Even as early as preschool, children are becoming conscious and concerned with what their friends think and do. They want to be liked and included in a group, this makes them susceptible to peer pressure. Peer pressure can affect children as early as preschool age and becomes an even greater risk as they make their transition into school.
Peer pressure in an Early Years Education in Dubai, setting can have a negative as well as a positive impact on the child. Every child is susceptible to various forms of peer pressure. Negative peer pressure can lead to bad behaviour such as bullying and substance use in later years while positive peer pressure may influence a child to engage in healthy behaviour.
Peer pressure in young children centers  around the  toys they play with or what games to play. Preschoolers and young children often exert pressure through teasing, name-calling, withholding friendship, and by threatening exclusion from play. Later on when your child goes to school, the pressure becomes more intense and centers around styles and material things to be "cool" in order to be included in the group.
Peer pressure can be resisted by the style of parenting. Parents should adopt a child-centered approach, which is a balanced parenting style, where the parent-child relationship fosters  healthy, positive relationships, but also helps the child to build confidence and skills to resist negative peer pressures.
Here are some useful tips to help parents deal with peer pressure in preschoolers,
  • Build a firm foundation with your child based on culture and norms.
  • Set limits for your child, even if this means saying no to certain things, so that they too can learn to say no to things they don't like or want to do.
  • Make sure they choose good friends. Invite friends for play dates so that you can get to know the child's parents and observe the child's behaviour.
  • Teach your child to take a firm decision. Think out a loud and let your child listen to your decision making process as you consider the outcome. This will help the child think about the outcome and consequences of an act before they do it.
  • Build self confidence in your child. Make sure to praise your child when they do well and encourage them to be positive, and surround them with people who value them. This increases self confidence, making their opinions more important than someone else.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Dubai Nursery Schools that Nurture a Child's Imagination

Most Dubai nursery schools boost a child's imagination through play and physical activities. A child's imagination can be enhanced and fostered by providing opportunities  such as exploring, problem solving, experimenting and discovering. Children with an enhanced sense of creativity view the world as their canvass with endless possibilities, opportunities and challenges. By encouraging and nurturing their creativity they can become future leaders and great thinkers, says an educator at the Children’s Nursery Dubai. 
 Here is a look at some creative ways to set the stage for your child's creativity,
  • Encourage the child to ask questions.
  • Provide a variety of opportunities for observing, exploring and expanding thinking patterns and processes.
  • Encourage the child to experiment with new ideas and play with new adventures.
  • Do things that gets them thinking. Encourage them to think about how they can do something better, other than the usual method. Ask them to break away from the ordinary pattern and come up with something unique.
  • Give a child time to think and come up with ideas.
  • Let the child come up with an alternative to create something by depriving the child of something.
  • Don't be critical or judge the child's efforts. Encourage the child to bring out his or her creativity without expecting any results or outcomes.
  • Turn off the TV and electronic games, they are an unnecessary distraction.
  • Allow the mess and let your child play with the dirt. Let them use their imagination with things. Like boxes being used as cars and sticks as a secret fortress. An eco friendly nursery in Dubai, will involve children in a lot of nature activities like hunting for bugs or collecting leaves, which gives children the ability to explore nature by getting in touch with their creativity.
  • Let the child take the lead, parents should just observe.
  • Listen to your child and answer their many questions.
  • Encourage and stimulate imaginary play. Let the child dress up in various costumes and pretend to be a prince of the princess. Let them enjoy pretend play.
  • Encourage them to read stories and make up an ending the way they want it to end. This is a great way to encourage them to read as well.
  • Ask questions that are stimulating and requires creative thinking.
  • Let your child be the center of the story or the activity.
  • Get the child to choose a word and begin a story making up things about the words.
 Some of the benefits of using creative play for children, 
  • The increased ability to solve problems.
  • A high level of self-esteem, confidence and self-fulfillment.
  • Ability to cope better with challenges and difficult situations.
  • Ability to become future creators and innovators.
The Kindergarten in Dubai focuses on developing a child's imagination by exposing them to the same environment to play, helping them create and build on what they have. If they are constantly given new things, they will not develop their imaginary skills or their creativity.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Bullying in Preschools

As an educator, at the one of the leading  Nurseries in Dubai there are lots of questions parents ask me and one common question I hear often asked is, how to raise a child with leadership skills who is kind, has a voice and is responsible.   
There is always a huge difference between children who are well liked and children who are popular in Nursery Schools in Dubai but they both have common characteristics such as being good at sports, attractive and well dressed. The difference is between the way they treat other children and how they perform academically, is what separates the two. Popular children use their relationships as weapons, manipulating and hurting  another child, in ways that increases their popularity. These types of children are not well liked by others in the class.
This type of behavior buds during the preschool years,  where children display some very disturbing behavior.  Parents of the child that is being subject to preschool bullying, often feels powerless over the entire situation, and needs to help their little child cope with the situation and emotional pain. It makes a parent want to take on the toddler bully themselves!.
While some Nurseries in Dubai cannot take away the anguish a parent feel for their children, the parents are made to understand that they should  offer support and  teach the child to stand up to a bully and not become a victim.   
Parents should encourage leadership traits in their child, but they should be taught to do this without using ways to hurt another child physically or mentally, this is the most important advice a parent can give a child. As a parent, share a childhood experience you had with a bully in preschool and the positive resolution that came out of it. Make it short yet to the point and concrete, so that the child understands precisely what you are trying to tell him or her.
As a parent, share some useful tips on how to identify good friends and be a good friend,  for instance teach the child to be an empathetic person and to tolerant other children as opposed to being impatient and critical about another child. Allow your child to use their influence in positive ways and be a good leader not a follower.
Dubai Nursery Schools  request parents to look for the following traits to identify if their child is being bullied,
  • Scared to go to preschool
  • Complains of sickness for no reason
  • Clingy and whiny
  • Talks about a particular child giving them a hard time
  • Comes home with unexplained physical  injuries
  • Quiet and sad
  • Has trouble concentrating
  • Avoids eye contact  and keeps quiet when asked about school
However, if the bullying continues in the school the parents should consider,
  • Talking to the teacher.
  • Take advantage of the open door policy in the school.
  • Schedule a meeting with other parents to address the situation.
  • Consider changing your child's classroom.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Nature Study for Preschoolers

It's the new school year in Dubai, and as an educator at a Children’s Nursery in Dubai you are thinking about what sort of activities might be enjoyable for the children in your class, something a little different than the activities you have been doing during the rest of the year. Well, since the weather is warm in Dubai you and your preschoolers will be spending more time outside over the next few months.  Being outside gives you and your little explorers the opportunity to enjoy one of the most important areas of the curriculum, which the study of nature and the environment.
Learning about nature and the environment,  preschoolers get a sense of wonder and excitement as they explore the world around them.  The Kid's Island Nursery, an Eco Friendly Nursery in Dubai explains that nature study for young children is feeling the wind blowing, smelling the flowers, watching a squirrel hunt for food, hearing the birds sing and watching a butterfly flutter by!.  A child's knowledge of nature can be expanded by encouraging children to observe, compare and contrast, experiment, ask questions, research, predict and talk about it with others.
If you are a Nursery in Dubai and would like to include nature in your curriculum, here are a few suggestions for doing nature study with preschoolers,
  • Field trips - A nature field trip for preschoolers can be a simple trip to the park, the botanical gardens, a farm, the beach or the zoo. These are great environments to learn and observe the trees, the flowers, the birds, the animals, and anything else that might be present.
  • Create a nature and environment room - Once the children have had the experience of the great outdoors, encourage them to bring back samples of what they you have found and bring in things from home for them to investigate in the future and set up a room dedicated to nature and the environment. Store objects such as shells, stones, leaves, petals and feathers. This can be sources of much exploration and discussion. Have posters and decor on the environment and nature, create a little area where the objects can be on display and children can observe them with tools such as magnifying glasses and also feature little fact sheets with observations made by the children.
  • Collect books, magazines, posters, photographs, info graphics  and pictures about nature that is suitable and understandable by preschoolers, such the life cycle of a butterfly and parts of a flower
  • Dedicate a day to watch a movie or video about nature and the environment
  • Sings songs and rhymes and listen to various media related to nature study
  • Ask the children to come dressed in his or her favourite nature outfit on a dedicated day
  • Celebrate days dedicated to nature and the environment such as World Environment day and Earth day
The hot climate in Dubai is a good excuse for Nurseries in Dubai, to include a nature trip or field trip to allow preschoolers explore their environment and gain knowledge about nature.

Monday, September 8, 2014

How to Handle the First Day of Nursery

Now that you have taken the first steps in selecting the best childcare nursery in Dubai, you may now be excited about the first day of sending your child to the kindergarten in Dubai or preschool in Dubai.
While nurseries in Dubai could help you cope with your anxieties of how your child will settle in to their schedule, it is still the first time for you and your child and there is nothing wrong in doing some background reading to prepare for this day.
Ensure that you don’t rush things in the morning. Start early. Get everyone to sleep early the night before and wake them up with considerable time to spare in the morning. So that the little one can take his time to eat and get ready and you will also have time to calm him or her down if they start throwing a tantrum.
Go as early as possible to the preschool. This way you can spend a little more time with your child till the other children arrive and the child can clearly see and get to know his or her teacher personally before it becomes packed with the other children.
If the school allows it, let your little child take along one of his favourite comforting object, a blanket or a soft toy, so that the new environment will not be too scary. Once he gets familiar with his or her environment and makes new friends this object can slowly be removed.
You as a parent should set the mood by being happy and smiling. If you show any sign or anxiety the child will be likely to pick up those signs and be scared as well. But if you sound happy and confident the child will start off with a confident step as well.
Some nurseries will allow the parents to stay around on the first day of school. Try not to be in hovering over the child always and just stay out of the class only to step in if needed. So with time the child will understand that you are close by to come if required and help him to get more comfortable around the teacher.
Help the preschool teachers to do their job by keeping your goodbyes short and sweet. Be clear to the child when you will be back, like after lunch. Leave with a smile and try not to look back as it can make the child feel insecure.
Don’t panic and run back if you hear your child crying, the teachers have experience in handling many children. Trust them and your instinct to make the right call.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Motor skills Development You Can Expect from Pre-Schoolers

When little children first start to walk and move around, they will need a lot of guidance and you will see that they are unable to handle equipment’s firmly without dropping or losing control over them. The difference between these children and adults are the development of motor skills. We as adults are able to understand the difference between carrying a small object and a large object, walk and move without tripping and carry out activities like tying a shoe lace or even drive a car. Can you image a young toddler doing these tasks?
So how do these little hands and legs learn to do these tasks in the years to come? What role do parents and nursery care givers at Dubai nursery and day care in Dubai have to play in helping them to develop their motor skills?
Childrens nursery in Dubai encourages children to be independent every day. It helps the children to feel more confident and keep attempting tasks like placing blocks on top of another perfectly, or placing items back in the rack. This will help towards the gradual improvement in fine motor skills. Childcare nursery in Dubai is careful not to rush children to complete tasks, patience is key in letting the children carry out tasks slowly till they master a specific skill. Even parents are encouraged to practice this at home and try to avoid rushing the children into completing tasks. This will also help to ensure that the children do not rush to complete tasks and run the risk of injuring themselves. 
Parents and nurseries are encouraged to not to help the children in all tasks, and let them gradually start doing things on their own. Like putting away the toys after play, hanging the water bottle, removing the shoes, etc. When they are encouraged to carry out these tasks every day their tiny hands and feet will begin to develop. With time they will be able to draw and write and even dance, jump and run without falling. The activities in the nurseries will the children in developing these physical and mental skills towards fine and gross motor skills development. 
It is found the young children develop gross motor skills faster than the fine motor skills. This is why they are able to walk within the second ear but not able to write till around the third or fourth year in their life.
The important role you play as an adult in their life is to carefully monitor their activities and when they begin to show interest in a specific task encourage them to try it out. Be patient around them and let them make mistakes. With practice they will be able to grasp new tasks faster.